Mortgage insurance (SOGAZ). Everything you need to know about mortgage insurance at IC Sogaz Sogaz calculate apartment mortgage insurance

To calculate your insurance, use the convenient calculator on the website. Please note: now the calculator allows you to make calculations online not only for property insurance, but also for life insurance. You can also leave a request in this section or contact the office.

If you need to find out more details, contact our online consultant for help or send a request for a call back.

What is the price

The cost of mortgage insurance is influenced by various factors:

  • mortgage loan size;
  • requirements of the creditor bank;
  • characteristics of the real estate property;
  • the nature and number of previously completed transactions on the real estate property (for concluding a title agreement);
  • age, gender and health status of the borrower (for life and health insurance).

To calculate the cost of mortgage insurance for an apartment, use a calculator or contact an online consultant for help.

Why is it necessary to insure real estate with a mortgage?

Apartment mortgage insurance is an opportunity to get a new home without risks for you and the bank. An insurance policy for the collateral can be issued online on our website.

How much does life insurance cost?

When calculating the cost of life insurance for a mortgage, it is worth considering that the price can vary significantly for different categories of citizens.

The insurer necessarily takes into account the client’s age, gender, presence of chronic diseases, degree of health, place of work, financial condition and other factors.

What does life insurance provide for the borrower?

In the event of disability or premature death of the borrower, the debt obligations to repay the mortgage loan fall on the remaining family members. The family finds itself in a difficult financial situation; additional payments to the bank often turn out to be unaffordable. In this situation, the family risks being left without finances and without housing.

The life insurance program provides for payments by the insurance company to the lending bank in the event of a serious illness or death of the borrower. By taking out such a policy, the policyholder takes care of his family and retains the right of ownership of the purchased home. Calculate the cost using an online calculator.

Title Insurance for a Mortgage: Why Get It?

Title insurance is useful when purchasing a secondary home, because in the modern real estate market, risky transactions are not uncommon. They happen by mistake or intentionally when a home buyer encounters a fraudulent seller. For example, if, when registering a sale transaction, the property interests of minor children or disabled family members of the seller who have the right to a share in the apartment were not taken into account. In many cases, a family has to urgently leave their newly purchased home and be left without a roof over their head.

Title insurance provides payments to the lending bank in the event that it turns out over time that the transaction was void. So, if the insured is deprived of property rights through the court, the remaining debt to the bank on the mortgage will be compensated by the insurance company.

Have questions regarding the cost of the policy? Use the online calculator, fill out an application on the website or contact our consultants for help.

It is a very popular procedure today. However, most banks impose certain requirements on borrowers, one of which is mandatory life and health insurance. However, many still have questions. Many people are interested in whether it is necessary to take out life and health insurance with a mortgage, especially to pay a fairly decent amount of money for it.

To answer the question of whether this procedure is mandatory or not, it is worth taking a closer look at the process of obtaining a policy. It is also recommended to pay attention to the advantages and possible benefits of insurance in relation to a person wishing to receive a loan.

What does insurance provide?

Everyone knows very well that funds for the purchase of living space, as a rule, are issued for a fairly long period (up to 30 years). These are very unprofitable for banks, since during this period of time anything can happen to the client.

If we look at the problem from this side, then in this case we are talking about benefits for the credit institution. Are there any advantages to obtaining such a certificate for the borrower himself? Of course they exist.

For example, if the borrower suffers injuries that lead to his disability, then he will not have to pay a huge commission to the bank for the inability to make monthly payments. In this case, the responsibility for payments falls on the policyholder. In the situation of receiving disability of groups 1 and 2, the borrower will be insured against additional costs. In the event of the death of a bank client who took out a fairly large loan, his relatives will not have to pay off the debt.

Simply put, the insurance company will have to cover all losses of the bank caused by certain circumstances related to the borrower. At the same time, the living space taken on credit will not go anywhere. It will continue to be the property of the borrower’s relatives or himself.

If you inform the bank about the incident immediately after the occurrence of an insured event, then the risk that monthly payments will be increased is reduced to zero. Also, some people confuse the last 2 options for the entire term of the mortgage loan. This means that you will need to pay annually for the certificate. The interest on insurance will also be recalculated based on the balance of the debt. Therefore, you should think several times before refusing this service. Your best bet is to find out where mortgage life and health insurance is cheaper. In this case, it is worth paying attention to several important nuances. What should you pay attention to?

Where is it cheaper?

If we talk about calculating life and health insurance traffic for a mortgage, then everything depends on individual circumstances. The interest rate can range from 0.5 to 2.5% of the remaining mortgage debt. Of course, even a hundredth of a fairly large loan will hit the client hard.

In order to save as much as possible when taking out life and health insurance for a mortgage, it is worth checking with a bank employee which insurance companies are partners of the credit institution. In this case, you can familiarize yourself with each individual company and consider the existing interest rates.

Although there are online calculators on the websites of insurance companies, they do not always work fully, that is, they do not take into account the individual parameters of clients. It is much more convenient to contact the organization and personally communicate with the manager.

How is insurance calculated?

Of course, first of all, everyone is interested in what could lead to a significant increase in the interest rate for obtaining a certificate. It should be borne in mind that company employees pay attention to the age of the borrower. If he is not young, then, of course, the commission will be much higher.

Also, clients applying for a mortgage are asked to undergo a medical examination. Based on data on the presence of chronic diseases and other ailments, a decision will be made on the final cost of the insurance certificate.

As a rule, men have to pay large sums to obtain the form. This is due to scientific evidence and mortality statistics: unfortunately, representatives of the stronger sex live much less than women.

Also, the increase in the interest rate may be affected by the client’s position. If he works in dangerous conditions in hazardous production, then, most likely, the overpayment will be even higher. In addition, the amount of the loan and the length of the mortgage repayment period are taken into account. Also, the manager always evaluates the client’s external data. If he suffers from too much weight, smokes and drinks, then this is also a negative factor that affects the increase in overpayments.

Returns and cancellation of insurance

Sometimes it happens that clients apply for an insurance form, but suddenly realize that they are overpaying too much. In this case, they can actually issue a refund of the mortgage policy they received. However, it must be borne in mind that this is given a very short period of time. Usually it is no more than a few days. More precise deadlines can be found in the contract; they must be specified there.

It is also worth paying attention to the clauses in the contract that relate to the calculation of insurance and the possibility of a refund. The insurance company has the right to draw up an agreement at its own discretion, so there may well be clauses according to which the client does not have the right to count on any compensation. It is worth being attentive and asking the manager a question once again.

Only military personnel can refuse an insurance policy without any consequences, since their life and health are already insured by their occupation.

In what cases can the insurance company refuse to pay?

As mentioned earlier, before signing the contract, it needs to be studied in detail. The terms of payment must be spelled out in detail. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the amount of the amount that will be paid upon the occurrence of a particular insured event is indicated.

The contract specifies the responsibilities of the policyholder and the insurer itself. This is very important, because if some nuances were not indicated in the papers, then in this case the company can very easily refuse payments.

As a rule, to receive compensation it is necessary to collect the necessary documents. This responsibility falls on the policyholder. The insurance company has the right to refuse payment if an incident occurs that cannot be classified as an insured event.


In this credit institution you can not only get a fairly decent amount of money to purchase a new living space, they also issue insurance policies. In this case, any bank client who has taken out a mortgage in the amount of up to 11 million rubles has the right to receive documents.

If we talk about the amount of payment for life and health insurance for a mortgage in Sberbank, then the contribution is 130 thousand rubles. However, everything again depends on the individual parameters of the borrower. It is also worth considering other organizations that provide similar programs.

"VTB 24": life and health insurance on mortgage

This bank also provides its clients with the opportunity to take out a policy immediately upon receipt of funds. However, in this case, the conditions will be much more favorable than in Sberbank. In this case, a client who takes out life and health insurance for a mortgage at VTB will have to pay about 0.21% of the total cost of the selected home. However, the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation still prefer to contact insurance companies, which have been on the market for a long time and during this time have collected a huge number of positive reviews. It is worth considering them in more detail.

Sogaz: life and health insurance for mortgages

The main advantage of this organization is that customers can contact not only the company’s branch, but also receive money through the official website. As a rule, after submitting a request, the organization’s manager calls the user back and discusses the terms.

Another important point in taking out life and health insurance for a mortgage at Sogaz is that in this case, a medical examination, which is a prerequisite, is absolutely free.

If we talk about it, it will be 0.17% when it comes to the life of the borrower. There is also a very interesting service. It's called "borrower liability insurance." In case of non-repayment of the loan, the overpayment for the certificate is 1.17% of the total price of the apartment. However, it is worth checking the final cost of the documents with an employee of the organization, since everything depends on the specific bank, the loan amount and the repayment period.


In this case, we are talking about comprehensive insurance, which includes life, health and much more. In addition, the client of the insurance company will be protected in the event of loss of working capacity or disability. Thanks to this, life and health insurance for mortgages at RESO has a great advantage and benefit for borrowers.

In the event of disability, illness or death of the client, the company independently pays the bank the balance of the debt. The borrower's heir will also not have to worry about debts. In addition, such package insurance includes protection of the purchased property. At RESO you can issue a certificate according to personal conditions. This is very convenient, since each person may have different situations in life.

However, this insurance company is far from the only one where you can get such paper for a bank. Let's consider other options.


The main activity of this insurance company is the issuance of policies on the life and property of borrowers. In addition to the main insured events, the client also has the right to indicate his own versions of what may happen to himself or his property.

If we talk about the cost of obtaining life and health insurance on a mortgage at Renaissance, then in this case the amount is calculated exclusively individually based on the specific data of a particular client. However, the minimum cost of issuing the form will be 2.5 thousand rubles.


This company is one of the five best insurers in the Russian Federation. Here you can get a fairly cheap mortgage life insurance policy. If the loan amount is no more than 11 million rubles, then you will need to pay about 16.5 thousand rubles for ordering an insurance form and customer service. Thus, at Ingosstrakh, life and health insurance for a mortgage will cost approximately 0.22% of the total cost of the selected home. These are more than favorable conditions for clients who want to reduce the interest rate on a general loan.


This insurance organization is also very popular among the population. She offers very low rates. If the home is insured by the insurance company under a comprehensive program, then in this case the cost of the certificate will be no more than 0.2% of the total cost. However, in this case, the bank where the mortgage was issued will necessarily be considered. The size of the loan, interest rates, type of property and much more are also taken into account. All borrowers must undergo a detailed background check.

However, at Rosgosstrakh, life and health insurance for a mortgage is quite cheap, so you should definitely consider this organization.

SOGAZ offers the types of insurance that are required or desirable when obtaining a mortgage. There are 5 of them in total - each with several programs.

To obtain a loan for the purchase of real estate, only insurance of the structural elements of the apartment pledged as collateral to banks is mandatory - the other four options are rather voluntary. However, most banks charge an additional 1-2% per annum on mortgages if they refuse comprehensive mortgage insurance.

This is explained by the increased risk for the lender of not receiving either payment from the client or compensation from the insurer in the event of an emergency.

SOGAZ also has insurance against non-payment of the mortgage itself. It is drawn up solely at the request of the borrower - banks do not take this into account when calculating premiums.

Borrower's life and health insurance

Another name for the service is “personal insurance”. It is aimed at protecting the client (and the guarantors for his loan) from financial difficulties in the event of deterioration in health, loss of ability to work, or death of one of these persons. Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the amount of payment mortgage life insurance at SOGAZ will go towards paying off the mortgage debt.

The life and health insurance program covers the risks of:

  • loss of ability to work (establishment of the first or second group of disability) - including temporary;
  • death of the borrower or guarantor.

Apartment insurance

Insurance of an apartment pledged when applying for a mortgage protects the borrower from non-fulfillment of loan obligations in the event of damage or loss of real estate for one of the following reasons:

  • fire;
  • gas explosion;
  • lightning strike;
  • flooding in case of breakdown of the water supply system;
  • natural disaster;
  • hooliganism, vandalism and terrorist acts;
  • accidents during repair work caused by the fault of the persons who carry them out.

Depending on the issued program, other insurance cases may be added.

SOGAZ offers 3 apartment insurance programs for a mortgage loan:

  1. "A simple solution";
  2. "Optimal solution";
  3. “Personal decision” (allows you to independently determine which cases are insured).

Property title insurance

This insurance product allows you to be confident in the repayment of the loan (both to the client and to the bank) and to receive compensation if the bank client loses ownership rights to real estate by a court decision.

The insured amount is determined in accordance with the requirements of the bank and can be calculated depending on:

  1. The amount of debt on the loan, but not more than the actual cost of housing.
  2. The amount of debt on a loan, increased by a rate determined by the bank, but not more than the actual cost of housing.

The insurance contract is concluded for 1 year or for the term of the loan. When concluding an agreement for the term of the loan, the premium to the insurer is subject to annual payment.

Insurance compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event is carried out:

  • to the bank – in the amount of the borrower’s debt under the mortgage agreement;
  • to the borrower or his heirs - in the amount of the difference between the amount of the agreement and the amount of compensation to the bank.

At the request of the borrower, the insurance amount for real estate insurance, as well as for title insurance, can be set at the actual value. This will enable the borrower, in the event of an insured event, not only to pay the bank, but also to return his own money spent on the purchase of residential real estate.

Third party liability insurance

This type of insurance protects the client from causing damage to real estate or the health of third parties in emergency situations arising during the operation of the collateral:

The amount and period of insurance are established by agreement between the borrower and OJSC SOGAZ.

Insurance compensation is paid:

  1. Citizens whose life, health or property have been harmed, or who are entitled by law to compensation for damage in connection with the death of the victim as a result of an accident.
  2. Companies whose property was damaged.

Borrower liability insurance for loan non-repayment

If the borrower loses solvency and subsequently sells residential real estate, SOGAZ will pay compensation (but not more than the insured amount) if there is a shortage of funds received during the sale in order to fully repay the loan.

The contract amount is determined in accordance with the bank's requirements, but should not be more than 0.2 of the actual value of the property.

The insurance contract may end simultaneously with the end of the loan agreement or when the loan balance reaches the agreed value. The premium is paid at a time for the entire period of validity of the insurance contract.

The insurer makes an insurance payment in favor of the bank if the borrower is declared insolvent, and after the sale of the property, the money received is not enough to fully repay the loan debt.

Insurance rules for mortgage lending

The official document-list “Insurance Rules for Mortgage Lending” of OJSC SOGAZ establishes general provisions, definitions of terms, validity periods of contracts, rights and obligations of the parties, insurance rates, the procedure for paying insurance compensation in relation to each of the insurance products.

You can study in detail the rules of SOGAZ insurance for mortgage lending on the company’s official website. Link to document.

How to calculate insurance protection parameters for mortgage lending

The cost for each type of mortgage insurance – and even more so for specific programs – depends on many factors and is determined individually.

The insurance rate for a mortgage is formed after checking the documents required by the bank and SOGAZ. In addition, the following are taken into account:

  • gender, age, health status of the client;
  • technical condition of the collateral property;
  • number and type of transactions with real estate.

You can obtain specific information on each situation from the manager by phone or in the office.

Mortgage insurance rates in the SOGAZ insurance group

Insurance rates for mortgage insurance in the SOGAZ company are formed from the sum of rates for each type. For calculation mortgage insurance at SOGAZ(as a percentage of the insured amount) the following rates apply:

Procedure for concluding an agreement

In order to conclude an insurance contract with SOGAZ, you must:

  1. Fill out an application at a branch of the insurance group or on the Internet on the official website
  2. Provide the company's office with the necessary list of documents - individual for each type of insurance (main: passport, application form, mortgage agreement, real estate documents, extract from the Unified State Register, etc.). You can get more information by calling the operator (SOGAZ contacts in the regions).
  3. Provide the results of a medical examination of the borrower (as well as co-borrowers - guarantors), if a medical examination is needed to receive a specific type of service.

An agreement is concluded for a year, followed by an annual renewal, or immediately for the entire loan term. The contract can be terminated if the mortgage is paid early, or if the mortgage or insurance is canceled.

When an insured event occurs, you must do the following:

  1. If harm is caused to health, the insured person must contact a medical institution for help as quickly as possible, and unquestioningly follow all the doctor’s recommendations.
  2. In case of any insured event, inform SOGAZ in writing (by fax, e-mail or in another way that allows you to record the full name of the company client who is sending the message and the date of departure) about the situation that occurred - its fact, the circumstances of the incident and its consequences. The period is limited to a month, but it is advisable to do this as early as possible.

You can also report an insured event by filling out an online form on the insurer’s website in the “Insured Event” section.

To receive payment for an insured event, you need to provide the department with documents proving the occurrence of the situation. Papers must be filled out in accordance with the standards of the insurer and the legislation of the Russian Federation. Each case has its own list of documents.

For example, in case of loss of ability to work - an original or copy of the identity card of the insured person, an application for receiving insurance payment, a document confirming loss of ability to work, an accident report and an extract from an outpatient medical record. This list, like the lists indicated on the SOGAZ website, is not exhaustive - the company requires you to receive complete information by phone or at a branch of the insurance group.

Instructions and a complete list of documents to be provided upon the occurrence of an insured event can be found at the specified link.

Advantages and features of mortgage insurance in IC “SOGAZ”

List of advantages when taking out a SOGAZ mortgage insurance policy:

  • some programs allow you to set a list of insured events, as well as set the amount of the organization’s monthly premium, so that the client receives maximum benefit and reliability when using the product;
  • a large list of banks with which the insurance group cooperates;
  • individual approach to the company's clients;
  • flexible choice of product programs and tariff rates;
  • prompt review and preparation of documentation for insurance – from 2 hours;
  • free medical examination is provided in cases where it is necessary for insurance (programs for the protection of working capacity, health and life);
  • payment of the insurance premium in installments (possible for all types of insurance - personal, property and title);
  • favorable conditions for purchasing other insurance policies;
  • integral basic insurance against major risks;
  • a large selection of programs for each type of protection;
  • trust in clients - insurance is provided without making an inventory and inspection, as well as without requiring documents for ownership of property;
  • payment of material compensation is made based on the actual damage (no more than the insured amount);
  • the insurance payment includes the cost of building materials, their transportation and the cost of repair work;
  • the ability to insure building materials and unfinished construction projects;
  • accessibility for any borrower, including those who were unable to save up funds for a down payment on mortgage lending;
  • In case of full early repayment of the loan or loan, SOGAZ returns part of the paid premium for the unexpired insurance period.

In addition, the company operates in all major cities of Russia, including not only Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also Kaliningrad, Ufa and Novosibirsk.

Welcome! In this post, you will learn about mortgage insurance - a calculator available for downloading and calculating your insurance policy yourself, as well as valuable information on how to save money and get your insurance back.

Taking out a mortgage means for the borrower fulfilling obligations not only to the bank, but also to the insurance company. Over the course of several years, you need to pay off the loan debt and renew your insurance policies annually. Their value will decrease in proportion to the principal debt, but this is little consolation for the borrower: the amount of the insurance premium places a burden on the personal budget. Can you save money on buying mortgage insurance? We'll show you how to use our insurance calculator when shopping for insurance policies.

Mortgage insurance requires the borrower to take out insurance policies. Which ones are required and which ones can be waived?

  • Insurance of structures (collateral). This is a mandatory type of insurance that guarantees the bank payment of the debt in the event of damage to the collateral property. For example, in the event of a fire or flood, the apartment owner will issue compensation, and the insurer will pay the bank the balance of the loan and interest. This type of policy is issued in favor of the creditor bank for the entire mortgage period. The list of risks can be expanded at the request of the lender or client.

The tariff depends on several factors: the technical condition of the property, location, year of construction, etc. In 2017, insurers offer tariffs starting from 0.15% of the value of the property.

  • Life and health insurance for a mortgage is not a requirement, but banks motivate borrowers to buy policies. The lender's interests are obvious: in the event of a client's disability or death, the bank will cover its costs through insurance. Typically, the insurance amount is set at 110% of the loan amount, which allows the bank to receive repayment of the debt with interest.

The tariff for each borrower is set individually, taking into account age, health, profession, and hobbies. For example, life insurance on a mortgage for skydiving enthusiasts will be more expensive than for scientific workers. Military personnel should pay attention to this fact. Military mortgages are issued at preferential interest rates, but banks often insist on life insurance for the borrower.

  • Title insurance provides a guarantee to pay the lender in the event of loss of property due to claims from third parties. If other persons (relatives of former owners, heirs, etc.) claim the apartment purchased with a mortgage, and the court satisfies their demands, the insurance company will compensate the borrower’s losses.

Lenders rarely insist on title insurance if there is a risk of challenging the title to the property. This could be cases of selling an apartment by proxy, or frequent changes of homeowners.

You can learn more about it from our previous post.

To get savings when purchasing a policy, banks recommend comprehensive mortgage insurance. With this option, you insure all risks at the same time at an attractive rate: the average cost of insurance today is from 0.6%.

Not every insurance company offers a comprehensive package of services.

For example, at Sberbank Insurance you can buy structural and life policies; title insurance is not required by the bank. VSK-Insurance works on the same principle. Here, life insurance for a mortgage will cost 0.55% of the loan amount; constructive insurance can be insured at a rate of 0.45%.

Ingosstrakh will offer to buy policies separately, or take out comprehensive insurance. Sogaz has some of the most loyal conditions: apartment insurance costs from 0.1%, life and health from 0.18%.

IMPORTANT! Before using a company's insurance calculator, you should obtain a list of accredited insurers from your bank. They will have special conditions for partner banks and additional preferences for clients.

Mortgage calculator insurance

When choosing mortgage insurance options for an apartment, the borrower should make preliminary calculations using an online calculator. You can use this tool on the websites of insurers or directly with us. This method allows you to predict the amount of insurance costs and calculate possible savings options.

Our website provides an insurance calculator, with which you can make calculations for various situations and insure all the main risks of a mortgage.

The functionality allows you to carry out the following algorithm of actions:

  • the user enters data indicating gender, age, height, weight, medical parameters.
  • then the insurance items are selected and the loan amount is indicated.
  • the program carries out calculations, the result is the cost of the policy. At the bottom of the table is the estimated cost of each insurance: life, property, title.
  • then you can pay for the policy and receive it by mail;
  • after that you need to provide it to the bank.

What does this information give to the user?

First, using the calculator you can see the amount of insurance payments for the upcoming mortgage period. This will allow you to plan your budget.

Secondly, modeling situations when calculating using a mortgage insurance calculator provides the opportunity for significant savings, which we will discuss further.

Saving on insurance

Let's start with the fact that the amount of the insurance premium with an integrated approach can range from 0.7% to 2% of the loan amount. At first glance, this is not much, but if the amounts are multiplied by the years of lending, the expense will be significant. For example, with a loan of 3 million rubles, comprehensive insurance of an apartment can cost from 20 thousand rubles per year and more. If we assume that the loan term is 15 years, then the insurance premium for this period will be more than 200 thousand rubles. This makes you think about saving.

We recommend that borrowers take a balanced approach when choosing insurance options and insurers. Banks usually offer to issue policies from companies that are part of one financial holding company, but you can choose another insurer whose conditions are more attractive.

The mortgage insurance calculator will help you evaluate your options; just calculate several models. For example, some companies (VSK, Ingosstrakh, etc.) do not require the issuance of life insurance policies for the co-borrower on the loan.

Almost all insurers have relatively low life and health insurance rates for women aged 30 to 45 years. Therefore, if the spouse is the main borrower, the family will receive significant savings.

The amount of insurance is also affected by the share of each participant in the transaction: if older or pre-retirement people act as co-borrowers, the amount of insurance will increase. On the contrary, if the main recipient of the loan is a person of working age, in good health, with a 100% share of the loan, the insured amount will be less.

And, of course, the basic conditions of insurers provide for additional bonuses. This includes a reduction in tariffs for regular customers, discounts for moving to a new company, etc.

You can also find out from our next post.

We are waiting for your questions in the comments. If you need legal support, please schedule a free consultation with our mortgage lawyer.

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Buying a home with a mortgage is a complex procedure fraught with risks. Both parties try to isolate themselves as much as possible from possible losses, and insurance often helps them with this. You can purchase an insurance policy from many Russian companies, but it is advisable to entrust the execution and fulfillment of obligations under this document to a reliable insurer like the SOGAZ company.

About the company "SOGAZ"

SOGAZ is the largest player in the domestic insurance market, appearing on it in 1993. The company insures clients under more than 100 programs it has developed. The insurer's services are used by both private clients (there are about 18 million of them) and organizations in various fields of activity (their total number exceeds 100 thousand).

Rating agencies appreciate the financial stability of the SOGAZ insurer. A high rating is achieved due to thoughtful reinsurance protection, as well as the presence of large insurance reserves and the company’s own capital.

The insurer SOGAZ has over 800 points of sale throughout Russia. The company's employees are about 12 thousand high-level specialists.

Current offers for mortgage insurance from the SOGAZ company

The SOGAZ company provides its clients with a profitable opportunity to conclude a mortgage insurance agreement. This type of insurance is mandatory, and it is impossible to obtain a mortgage on real estate without having the appropriate policy.

A mortgage insurance contract from the SOGAZ company may include several types of insurance at once. These include:

  1. Apartment mortgage insurance. This insurance guarantees compensation in the event that the mortgaged property is damaged. Insured events include fires, explosions, accidents, as well as unlawful actions on the part of third parties. Apartment mortgage insurance can be considered one of the most popular insurance programs.
  2. Mortgage life insurance. Such an agreement insures the borrower against unforeseen accidents and illnesses. The mortgage life insurance contract provides that in the event of his death, as well as complete or partial (including temporary) disability, the insurer pays the bank the outstanding balance of the loan.
  3. Title insurance. The insured event is considered to be the loss of mortgaged housing due to termination of ownership by decision of the judicial authorities.
  4. Insurance for non-repayment of a mortgage loan. Such an insurance program provides for loan coverage by the insurer in the event of the borrower's loss of solvency.

Necessary information before purchasing insurance from the SOGAZ company

Before applying for insurance from the SOGAZ company, each applicant wants to know the cost of such a service, as well as the amount of insurance payment that he can count on if necessary.

The insured amount is calculated based on:

  • amount of mortgage debt;
  • the amount of mortgage debt increased by the percentage set by the bank.

It is important to understand that the insured amount cannot be higher than the actual cost of the home purchased with a mortgage.

The price of insurance is determined only after checking all the necessary documents, which contain the following information:

  • gender, age, health status of the applicant, etc.;
  • technical condition of the immovable object;
  • the presence of other transactions with real estate.

It is these factors that largely influence the final cost of insurance, which is also determined in accordance with the established initial rates.

How to obtain mortgage insurance from the SOGAZ company

Online application for mortgage insurance on the official SOGAZ website

It was once believed that mortgage insurance was beneficial only for banks, but now the opinion of borrowers has changed. Recently, many of them have independently declared their desire to take out insurance and receive reliable protection for themselves and their financial interests. To do this, they need to go through several stages, which we will talk about below.

To obtain insurance from the SOGAZ company, you need:

  1. Fill out the application online. This is done directly on the official website of the SOGAZ insurance company. The required option is located in the “Real Estate” section. By going to it, you need to find the “Mortgage” subsection. It will be even easier to follow the link and click on the “Order” button. The applicant will see an empty form in which he will need to enter personal data. First of all, the federal district in which the nearest office of the SOGAZ company is located is selected from the list. Next, you need to find the insurer's division. This is followed by entering the personal data of the policyholder: full name, desired insurance product, notes. Next, the SOGAZ client needs to enter his contact information. It is for these reasons that a company specialist will contact the applicant and provide detailed advice on further actions. At the end, you need to enter the characters indicated in the picture and click on the “Submit” button. Before doing this, it is advisable to double-check that all entered information is correct.
  2. Wait for a response from a representative of the SOGAZ company. After receiving the application, the insurance company promptly contacts the client and provides him with a complete list of documents required to obtain insurance. It depends on the selected program. For example, for mortgage life insurance, you must provide the results of a medical examination. To insure an apartment with a mortgage, the insurer is instead provided with documentation on the property (a document confirming ownership, an extract from the house register, etc.).
  3. Collect the necessary documents. The SOGAZ company provides clients with enough time to collect all documents. This is exactly what takes several months.
  4. Get insurance. After collecting the required documents, you must visit the office of the insurance company to conclude an agreement. The borrower independently chooses the duration of its validity. This can be either one year or the entire term of the mortgage (in which case payments will be made annually).


SOGAZ is a trustworthy company, but there are other insurers in our country that offer no less favorable and reliable insurance conditions. There is a possibility that the cost of insurance in them will be lower, so it is advisable to check several options before purchasing a policy.

To do this quickly, it is most convenient to use a calculator. The calculator database contains information about dozens of insurance companies that have existed on the market for a long time. They offer different conditions and tariffs for concluding insurance transactions. The calculator quickly analyzes all available market offers and displays the most acceptable options. Another advantage of the calculator is that it works online 24/7.

Thanks to the calculator, you can save several times on insurance at once, obtaining the proper level of quality and reliability without overpayments.

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