Types of services provided by city services. Municipal economy. Non-production sectors

The city management system includes a number of targeted, functional and supporting subsystems focused on achieving current goals and solving assigned tasks. Urban agriculture occupies a special place among them.

There are different points of view on the content of this term, which differ in the breadth of coverage of the included industries and types of activities, as well as the principles for the formation of these concepts. Three approaches to the formation and principles of education in this sphere can be distinguished: expansive, restrictive and rational.

According to the first of them, almost everything that is located in a given territory is included in the urban economy. Moreover, in this interpretation there are two varieties. According to the first of them, urban management includes all existing types of activity in a given territory, regardless of its nature, municipal focus, forms of ownership, etc. This approach has very blurred boundaries and completely coincides with the concept of “socio-economic sphere of the city.” In accordance with the second type of expansion approach, the urban economy includes all sectors and activities oriented towards the local market and local consumers represented by local governments, the population and organizations of a local nature, regardless of their form of ownership. In this case, the urban economy completely coincides with the concept of “urban service sector”.

In accordance with the restrictive point of view, urban management refers to only those industries, activities and objects that are in municipal ownership. In practice, this means a noticeable narrowing of the boundaries of the urban economy due to the process of privatization of urban facilities and the underestimation of various enterprises and organizations in this area that have alternative forms of ownership - repair and construction, housing and communal services, transport, etc.

In accordance with the rational position that we take, the term “urban economy” should contain a special qualitative definition and not coincide with other concepts. The urban economy includes those sectors and activities that belong to the city service sector, are an integral part of economic activity in a given territory, are socially oriented in nature and are in the area of ​​direct regulation of city authorities. Based on this, the urban economy is a territorial-industrial complex that meets the needs of the population and territory for services, works and products of public importance, and also creates the necessary conditions for the development of the city.

The basis of the urban economy is the housing and communal services complex, which includes housing and public services for consumers. This complex has a high proportion of municipal property and performs vital functions for the life of the city - maintenance and repair of residential and public buildings, technical and sanitary maintenance of urban areas, providing the population and organizations with water, gas, electricity, heat. At the same time, other service sectors, such as trade and public catering, are almost completely privatized and V the composition of the urban economy is not included. In relation to them, the necessary conditions for development are created and control functions are carried out.

So, the urban economy includes the following sectors and complexes:

Housing services, including technical and sanitary systems
maintenance of housing stock, current and major repairs
residential buildings;

Water supply and sewerage for residential and non-residential buildings of the city;

Utility energy, including heat, gas, electricity;

Improvement of the urban area, including road maintenance,
sanitary cleaning, cleaning and disposal of household waste and garbage,
gardening, maintenance of small architectural forms,
reservoirs, beaches and other urban objects;

Urban passenger transport and transport organization

City property management;

City information systems, etc.

In addition to these basic activities, the municipal economy also includes external functions for the maintenance and utilities of a number of urban facilities that are not part of the city economy:

Technical maintenance and utilities of facilities
social and cultural sphere of the city - schools, clinics, hospitals,
libraries, sports facilities, etc.;

Utilities supply of energy, water and drainage
sewerage, urban improvement services
territory of trade and public catering enterprises,
law enforcement and military organizations, industrial
enterprises, commercial organizations of various profiles and
other objects located in the city.

As follows from this grouping, the urban economy includes objects and activities of two types: directly providing the vital functions of the city, as well as providing services

2. The main economic entities of the urban economy:

Urban management means the interaction between three main subjects: households, entrepreneurs, local governments.

In general economic theory, a household is understood as the final consumers of a national product. General economic theory classifies the business sector as anyone who produces goods and services for profit. There are different approaches to assessing the activities of enterprises. It is important for the local community to evaluate not only the effectiveness of an individual enterprise, but also what each specific enterprise provides to ensure the livelihoods of the community as a whole. From this point of view, the following criteria can be proposed:

The criterion of enterprise profitability is of fundamental importance,
because part of the taxes and deductions from their activities is important
source of replenishment of the local budget;

Employment criterion. The important questions are: how many jobs does the enterprise create? How stable are the jobs created?

According to Art. 131 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the population is given the right
independent determination of the structure of local government bodies, which is enshrined in the Charter of the municipality. A limitation in this case is the presence of elected bodies as one of the criteria for the existence of self-government. Offered to enterprises and organizations of various profiles located in the city.

Features of the urban economy are:

High social significance, since almost all types of activities in the urban economy are aimed at meeting the needs of citizens;

Close relationship and interdependence of many sectors of the urban economy with each other and with other areas of activity in a given territory;

The special nature of the activities of municipal enterprises, the homogeneity of products, the difficulty of creating reserves, etc.

The presence of natural local monopolies in ensuring the functioning of the city’s vital engineering and energy systems: water supply and sewerage, municipal energy.

I will consider five models of organizing local self-government: The choice of one model or another depends on many different factors. In practice, a combination of models is possible.

a) Model “Strong Mayor - Council”

The Mayor has a suspensive veto over Council decisions;

Independently forms the administration;

Appoints and dismisses administration employees to positions;

Individually manages the activities of the administration;

Organizes the work of the Council, presides over its meetings,
signs acts adopted by the Council.

To maintain balance, the Council is given the right to override a veto by a majority vote of deputies. Early termination of the mayor's powers in the event of loss of confidence from voters occurs by decision of a local referendum.

b) Model “Weak Mayor - Council”

The mayor does not have veto power;

The formation of the administration, the appointment and dismissal of administration employees is carried out by him with the consent of the Council;

The scope of his right to direct the administration is limited by decisions of the Council.

Early termination of the powers of the mayor is carried out by the Council on its own initiative or on the initiative of the population.

Application condition: when it is impossible to identify voters' preferences regarding candidates or if the candidate does not have the knowledge, skills and abilities to manage the municipality.

c) Model “Council - Manager”

This model does not provide for the position of mayor. The activities of the Council are carried out by the Chairman, elected from among the Council deputies. He has no authority to direct the local administration.

All administrative functions are concentrated in a manager hired on a contract basis, who single-handedly forms the administration, manages its activities, appoints and dismisses administration officials. The manager's relationship with the Council is determined by the terms of the contract.

Condition of application: when the situation is uncertain regarding applicants for the position of the highest official of a municipal entity.

d) Model "City Commission"

It is not the deputies of the representative body that are elected, but the heads of bodies and structural divisions of the local administration. The powers of the representative body are exercised by a commission, which includes all elected officials.

Condition of application: for municipalities with sufficient personnel potential.

e) Model “Mayor - Assembly”

Expenses and revenues of the local budget

A local budget is a plan for the financial activities of local governments for a certain period, presented in the form of an inventory of income and expenses.

Classification of local budgets

Current budget represents the totality of income and expenses of local governments that provide for the priority needs of the urban economy. Development budget includes the totality of income and expenses aimed at improving and developing the urban economy.

EXPENDITURES OF LOCAL BUDGETS AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION Drawing up any budget begins with planning expenses, since they reflect the goal of the authority. The classification of types of expenses is based, first of all, on the purposes for which budget funds will be directed.

There are two main groups of expenses:

is fixed

Optional expenses. This group of expenses includes expenses for short-term activities, and in most cases these activities are carried out by local governments based on the interests of the residents that these bodies represent.

Municipalities are extremely diverse, and the range of local budget expenditures is extremely wide. In this regard, special skill is required from municipal workers when determining the priority and priority of certain expenditures of local budgets. With such an approach to planning expenses, a kind of pyramid of needs of the municipality arises.

The use of this pyramid allows you to distribute local budget expenses into three groups and, during subsequent planning of the revenue side of the budget, select income sources according to the degree of their reliability.

Thus, the first group will include expenses, the execution of which is assigned to each specific municipal entity by law and, accordingly, to support this group of expenses, the most reliable sources of income should be assigned, primarily those transferred by the state for the execution of powers that cause these expenses. The second group is assigned income sources and is financed from the budget. The third group represents a kind of reserve, which is reflected in plans and financed according to the possibility or availability of funds, although it can also be financed through various forms of attracted extra-budgetary funds.


Classification of income items: By type:

1. Tax revenues of the municipal budget

Own tax revenues of local budgets from local taxes and fees, determined by the tax legislation of the Russian Federation;

Deductions from federal and regional taxes and fees transferred to local budgets of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. Non-tax revenues of the municipal budget. These include:

Income from the use of municipally owned property;

Income from the sale of municipally owned property;

Income from paid services provided by local governments and budgetary organizations;

By main sources of formation:

1. State funds transferred to local governments by state authorities (federal or regional) in the form of revenue sources and rights provided for by law. These include:

Secured income- in full or in a firmly fixed share (in percentage) on a permanent or long-term basis in the prescribed manner go to the local budget.

- in order to balance income and expenses, they come to the local budget in the form of percentage deductions from taxes or other payments according to standards approved in the prescribed manner for the next financial year, as well as on a long-term basis (for at least three years).

Subsidy- an amount allocated from the budget of a higher level on an irrevocable and gratuitous basis without a designated purpose to cover current expenses (in the event that fixed and regulated income is not enough to finance the minimum budget of a lower territory).

level or legal entity on an irrevocable and free basis.

2. Own funds of the municipality, created through the activities of local government bodies (income from the use of municipal property, fees for services, etc.) and assigned on a permanent basis to the corresponding budget by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Borrowed funds, budget loan and municipal loan (for example, a mutual loan provided by one municipality to another, funds raised as a result of the issue of municipal bonds, bank loans, etc.).

4. New forms and methods of operation management city ​​housing stock

The main participants in the process of exploitation of the housing stock are housing maintenance and repair organizations, the city administration represented by the relevant services and departments, as well as residents. Housing maintenance and repair organizations provide the full range of work on the technical and sanitary maintenance of housing, its repair and modernization. Larger and more extensive work is carried out by specialized construction and repair companies.

This management system is administrative in nature. It is characterized by the use of predominantly administrative levers of management, the rigid centralized nature of the relationships between higher and lower levels of management and enterprises, and the absence of alternative forms of management and management.

organizational, administrative and legal methods. This system provides for the formation of competitive principles in the housing sector and the expansion of the circle of participants in the economic process.

Let's consider the functions of the main participants in the operational process.


Customer service acts on behalf of the city, forms a municipal order for the maintenance and repair of housing, enters into contracts with producers of work and consumers of services, and ensures control over the implementation and delivery of completed work. Organizational and legal form - institution or state unitary enterprise.

City housing maintenance enterprises carry out work on the maintenance and repair of the city housing stock, as well as the stock of other forms of property in accordance with contractual obligations. Organizational and legal form: state unitary production organizations.

Management companies are non-state and non-municipal organizations that have a variety of status, including the status of private firms, but perform the functions of a customer under an agreement with the city or with non-state structures for the maintenance of housing stock.

Firms- producers of repair and maintenance work and services perform work primarily in the non-municipal sector of the city.

The separation of the functions of the customer and the contractor during the operation of the housing stock is aimed at ensuring the economic interest of the performers in the results of their activities and at improving the quality of housing service.

An important form of development of the housing system is the expansion of collective forms of ownership of housing stock. Foreign and domestic experience in the effective operation of the housing stock indicates the advisability of uniting home owners to express and protect their interests. The material form of such an association becomes a condominium, and the organizational and legal form is a homeowners' association.

Homeowners Association in accordance with regulatory requirements.

HOA rights:

approved by the general meeting of HOA members.

The HOA manages contributions from members of the partnership, borrowed funds, income from commercial activities for the maintenance and repair of real estate in the housing sector, for the construction and reconstruction of housing, for repaying loan debt and for other purposes. Income from business activities cannot be distributed among homeowners, except in cases of liquidation of the partnership.

Each member of the partnership has the right to independently, without the consent of other homeowners, dispose of their property, participate in the activities of the HOA, and elect and be elected to governing bodies.

5. Main types of organizational structures for managing a housing and communal services enterprise

Currently, there are two main types of organizational management systems in the housing and communal services sector: linear and linear-functional (mixed).

that is, everything within the site is at the disposal of the manager. One manager performs technical, economic and other functions in organizing and implementing the production process. A typical example of a linear management structure is the primary organization for the operation of the housing stock in a condominium.

Management structure of a housing maintenance enterprise (linear management structure)

A functional management system differs from a linear one in that at each level of management an apparatus is created whose employees perform strictly specialized functions in organizing and implementing the management process. Instead of one manager, there are several specialists performing certain types of work to implement the management process. The advantage of this system over the functional one is that the management body of the structural link of the enterprise performs functions more accurately and skillfully. An employee of a management body specializes in a strictly defined function (financial and accounting work, organization of maintenance and repair of fixed assets of the enterprise, etc.). The rule applies here: the narrower the range of established responsibilities for organizing management, the better and more skillfully they are performed.

With the functional organization of management of a workshop or site, each employee receives orders from several specialists in one strictly limited area. However, the significant disadvantages of such a system, characteristic of large housing and communal services enterprises, are: the complexity of relationships and subordination in the production process, since the employee has several managers; reduction of responsibility for overall performance results; some duplication of management functions.

Functional structures in their “pure” form are rarely found in housing and communal services enterprises. The most widespread are mixed linear-functional systems, which are a combination of the advantages of linear and functional control systems. The connection between structural divisions here is built vertically and
horizontal direction. This structure shows a clear distinction between line management and functional units. At each level of management, to assist the line manager, functional departments are created that develop recommendations for line managers on certain issues of labor and production organization. Such a management system in housing and communal services has shown its advantages over other systems and economic feasibility. It meets the requirements for the rational construction of governing bodies.

6. City transport complex. Main directions and activities for the development of urban passenger transport

The transport complex of urban passenger transport (UPT) includes individual mass and other types of transport.

GPT products (services), unlike industrial products, cannot be separated in time and space from the production process and cannot exist outside of this process. Therefore, on the one hand, it is impossible to create some kind of stock of products by overfulfilling the passenger transportation plan, and on the other hand, failure to fulfill the plan for a certain period of time cannot be compensated for in subsequent periods without prejudice to the interests of passengers.

Production efficiency in transport is twofold. A positive result, beneficial to transport enterprises and the transport system as a whole, indicating high production efficiency, may be unacceptable for passengers who are consumers of transport services. So, for example, an increase in capital productivity, an increase in product output (and for transport, the volume of traffic) that is expedient in other industries with a smaller amount of equipment (vehicles, i.e. rolling stock) for gas transport means an increase in traffic intervals, and for passengers - an increase in costs travel time.

To serve the population, the GPT transport complex is forced to be equipped with vehicles, modern equipment for their maintenance and service, and to expand the production base. Meanwhile, fares are lower than the cost of transportation. Therefore, transportation revenues do not fully cover operating costs, and all types of gas transportation are unprofitable and are subsidized from the local budget.

The main directions and activities to ensure the improvement of the UPT transport system are:

1. Strengthening the technical base of GPT. We are talking about such activities as determining the required number of rolling stock, parks (depots); development of transport networks, roads, tracks, contact lines, etc.

2. Route optimization

3. . Rational organization of transport traffic in the city makes it possible to ensure high speed and traffic safety, the greatest convenience for passengers and economical transportation. Measures that help improve traffic regulation and increase its safety are the installation of “safety islands” on wide streets, marking of the roadway and intersections, establishing the operating mode of traffic lights in full compliance with traffic conditions, equipping the street network with road signs, etc.

4. Improving the organization of passenger transport traffic. The basis for organizing the movement of vehicles is: compliance with a traffic schedule that meets the needs of passengers, developed taking into account the patterns of formation of passenger flows; establishing optimal speeds and downtime at intermediate and final stopping points, as well as an effective dispatch control system.

5. Development of new forms and methods of management in transport .

Currently, urban passenger transport enterprises are unprofitable. The current mechanism for the functioning of GPT enterprises becomes a brake on their development. The standard of additional payments per unit of transport services performed assumes the planned unprofitable activities of enterprises, puts subsidies from the budget inversely related to an increase in the volume of transportation, and does not interest enterprises in the final results of their work.

interest in development, saving material resources. The value of tariffs should be set at a level that ensures the expanded reproduction of enterprise activities.

It is advisable to make the unit of the municipal order the kilometer. The determination of estimated tariffs is carried out on the basis of standards for material and other costs, taking into account the level of prevailing prices for material and technical resources and industry average profitability.

There is a practical possibility of various forms of private sector participation in the organization of public transport. A promising option is to attract private companies to service city routes under a contract system. Contracts concluded between private companies and the public transport service specify the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as organizational economic relationships.

6. Strengthening financial support for maintenance and development . The most acute problem hindering the development of the city's transport sector is the limited financial resources. Existing budgetary resources are not enough for the development of GPT, and therefore it is important to search for alternative sources of financing. Attracting funds from private interests through the creation of private companies to service city routes on a contract basis can play an important role. It is possible to attract non-centralized investments, first of all, funds from private investors for the construction of factories for the production of rolling stock.

7. Assessment of the achieved level and development problems

The sphere of improvement of the city territory includes a complex of industries providing sanitary and technical maintenance of the territory, its cleaning and landscaping.

Composition of the improvement sphere: road maintenance, gardening and park maintenance, sanitary cleaning, maintenance of reservoirs, beaches and other areas, small forms of improvement.

Sphere of sanitary cleaning: solid waste, street cleaning.

Among the reasons for the worsening problems of sanitary cleaning, the most important are:

Increasing complexity of the composition of waste produced by various sources (population, administrative institutions, construction and industrial facilities, etc.);

Reducing areas suitable for waste disposal;

Increased costs for collection, transportation, processing and storage of waste;

Use of modern equipment and technologies;

Formation of a competitive environment on a competitive basis and attraction of organizations of different forms of ownership;

Development of a system of standards;

Raising the level of management.

Currently, in the cities of Russia, solid waste is collected, removed and stored, but environmental requirements are not met, a significant part of the territory is alienated to landfills and is in unsatisfactory sanitary condition, secondary resources are practically not used.

In world practice, more than 20 methods of neutralization and disposal of solid waste are known. Most of these methods have not found any significant spread due to their technological complexity and the relatively high cost of processing solid waste.

The most economically and environmentally justified methods have become the most widely used in world practice: storage at a landfill (landfill), combustion, aerobic biothermal composting, a complex of composting and combustion (or pyrolysis) of non-compostable fractions, production of granular fuel and compost.

The most common method in Russia is the landfill as the simplest and cheapest method. Modern landfills, as a rule, do not meet environmental requirements, since they do not have appropriate engineering structures equipped with systems to combat water, air and soil pollution. In addition, they occupy large areas necessary for agriculture, not to mention the fact that many useful components are untimely buried along with solid waste.

The main disadvantages of waste incineration plants are the difficulty of purifying gases released into the atmosphere from harmful impurities, the high concentration of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and these plants also have higher operating and capital costs than waste recycling plants.

The most environmentally and economically feasible method of solid waste disposal, which has practical application in Russia, is aerobic biothermal composting. In the process of recycling waste, compost is produced, which is a valuable organic fertilizer. Appropriate technological measures make it possible to normalize the content of microelements in compost, including heavy metal salts.

The management of the solid waste management system is carried out by the Housing and Public Utilities Committee (Customer Service), and the required amount of work is carried out by contractors. Most contractors work at state and municipal enterprises (there are few private firms).

The source of financing for the work is the budget and funds of consumers, as well as subsidies to producers of work and services. Tariffs are set only for waste collection and removal; there are subsidies and payment benefits. Payment for processing is carried out at low rates from the budget.

competition and form an integrated solid waste management system

8. Engineering and energy complex of the city: assessment, problems, ways of development

The composition of the IEC includes water supply and sewerage services, heat and electricity, gas supply, supply of liquid and solid fuels to consumers.

Features of the IEC are the presence of local natural monopolies, the performance of vital support functions, continuous operation, uneven supply of resources (by hour, day, season of the year) and the presence of excess capacity (rush hour, maximum day, etc.).

Assessment of the situation in the IEC

Performing IEC functions on resource saving of consumers at the limit of technical capabilities;

Deterioration of technical condition, increased accident rate and decreased reliability of engineering systems and equipment;

Deficiency of energy and water resources in a number of cities in the country;

Low quality of resources supplied to the population and other consumers;

Excessive losses and overconsumption of energy and water resources;

There is a tendency for the development of autonomous IEC systems due to the ineffectiveness of centralized resource provision.

Causes of problems in IEC

Lack of investment and financial resources;

Ineffective management system for this complex;

Lack of a real mechanism for resource conservation among producers and consumers;

Ineffective system for regulating natural monopolies in the city's IEC.

This implies the need for deep structural reforms in the IEC (its restructuring).


Reducing costs and specific resource consumption to standard levels.

Directions for IEC restructuring

Forming a competitive environment by holding tenders for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of facilities, purchasing equipment, materials, fuel and attracting companies of various forms of ownership;

Development of a mechanism for attracting investments in IEC (performance contracts, ESCO and other forms);

9. urban development


1. Improving the efficiency of the urban management system

2. Development of contractual relations in the urban economy. Conclusion of agreements between the city administration, work providers and the population.

2. Formation of a competitive environment in the urban economy

1. Introduction of a competitive system for selecting contractors in all sectors of the municipal economy.

housing stock (homeowners' associations).

3. Stimulating resource conservation.

2. Organization of accounting for energy and water consumption
resources from consumers. Development of a program for the introduction of energy and water metering devices.

4. Streamlining the tariff system

1.. Development and adoption of economically sound tariffs for payment of services for the population.

2.. Introduction of differentiated housing payment rates depending on its quality and location.

5. Providing social support for the population

1. Development and implementation of standards

housing and communal services for the population.

2. Streamlining the system of benefits for payment of services
Housing and communal services.

Increasing the housing supply of the population

Formation of a municipal housing construction fund at the expense of the city budget, extra-budgetary revenues and fees for the rental of residential premises.

10. Management of comprehensive socio-economic development of municipalities

set the task of comprehensive socio-economic development and solve it under their own responsibility.

By managing the comprehensive socio-economic development of a municipality, we will understand the management of mutually agreed upon development programs for all spheres of life of the municipality, agreed on resources, deadlines in accordance with the priorities accepted by the population, also accepted for execution on the basis of contracts or by law by federal and regional development programs.

No matter how complex the management process may be, it can always be divided into separate time-specific projects, in the management of which the following main stages (cycles) of managing the complex socio-economic development of a municipality can be distinguished as relatively independent:

During the development program development period:

Collection and processing of information;

Setting goals;

Development of strategic guidelines and development criteria;

Assessment of development potential and resources;

Municipal development;

Development and adoption of a program for comprehensive socio-economic development of the municipality.

Main stages of management comprehensive socio-economic development

Information collection and processing stage for local governments is of great importance. In self-government, this is not just collecting information for statistical reporting.

One of the first programs for the development of a municipal formation should be the program for the formation and development of information support for self-government of the municipal formation.

On the basis of the information obtained at this stage, the most promising directions for the development of the economic basis for the integrated development of the municipality should be determined.

Goal setting stage is also important in the process of managing the complex socio-economic development of a municipality. Considering that the definition of development goals is of a pronounced creative nature, it is impossible to recommend any formal unified algorithm applicable for wide dissemination.

First, the information available to the municipality is assessed, which is the basis for a preliminary assessment of possible development directions. Then, based on the selected preliminary data, an economic and social assessment of the proposed strategic directions of development is carried out.

The most important areas of pre-planning research are the study and assessment of the potential of the territory. The initial socio-economic potential of the territory can be presented as three main blocks.

, this is a block of basic resource potentials of the territory, combining natural resource potential, economic-geographical and demographic. These potentials objectively characterize the natural and geographical capabilities of the city.

Secondly, a block that provides potential for the socio-economic development of the city. This block brings together potentials that contribute to the realization of basic resource potentials. It includes labor potential, production potential, scientific-innovative potential, social-infrastructural potential, investment potential and others.

Third, a block of potential for the city’s readiness for socio-economic transformations, which includes the potential for socio-psychological, regulatory and scientific-methodological readiness.

Determination of development goals can continue continuously, but within a certain time frame the corresponding results must be produced, on the basis of which it will be possible to begin the next stage - the development of a concept and development program for the next planned cycle.

Program development stage comprehensive socio-economic development of a municipality is the main stage in the cycle of managing the development of a municipality.

Stage of adoption of the integrated social program-economic

a fundamental stage in the process of managing the development of municipal
education. Once adopted, the program acquires the status of local law
and predetermines all subsequent actions of local authorities
self-government vested with administrative and executive powers.

Stage of implementation of the comprehensive socio-economic program development of the municipality comes into force after the adoption of the development budget. The information received is analyzed and, if necessary, proposals are developed to adjust the budget and the development program itself. Considering that municipalities are equal market subjects, as well as the fact that local governments operate in a changing external environment, it is necessary to provide for budget adjustments in development management.


An institution is a non-profit organization created to carry out managerial, socio-cultural or other functions of a non-commercial nature.

A municipal institution is an institution whose financial support for the performance of functions, including the provision of municipal services (performance of work) to individuals and legal entities, in accordance with the municipal assignment is carried out from the budget of the municipality.

Municipal institutions are created by the state and local governments, endowed with the necessary funds and operate on commercial principles in accordance with the goals and objectives that the founders define for them. A municipal enterprise is a special type of legal entity. It does not belong to business companies and partnerships, although it is a commercial organization.

Institutions include cultural and educational organizations, healthcare and sports, social protection agencies, law enforcement agencies and many others.

Since the range of institutions is quite wide, their legal status is determined by many laws and other legal acts. Institutions, unlike other types of non-profit organizations, are not the owner of their property. The owner of the institution's property is its founder. Institutions have a limited right to the property transferred to them - the right of operational management. Institutions that have property under the right of operational management own, use and dispose of it within the limits established by law, in accordance with the goals of their activities and the tasks of the owner, as well as in accordance with the purpose of the property.

Theoretical aspects of the activities of municipal enterprises and their place in the municipal economy system

The place of municipal enterprises in the municipal economy system

In order to determine the place of municipal enterprises in the municipal economy system, it is necessary to determine what “municipal economy” itself is.

The methodology proposed in defining the very concept of “municipal economy” offers an approach based on the fact that:

1. Municipal economy is a set of enterprises and institutions operating on the territory of a municipality.

2. The activities carried out by these enterprises and institutions are aimed at satisfying public interests.

3. Since activities are carried out by subjects of this activity that are heterogeneous in nature, a subject is also needed to coordinate their activities.

Based on this analysis, the main feature by which the elements of the municipal economy can be classified is the role and place of this or that element in the implementation of public needs.

And from this point of view, the following elements can be distinguished: municipal enterprises (since their activities are completely subordinated to the interests of the population of the municipality); other enterprises and institutions whose activities are partially related to the implementation of the public interests of the population of municipalities; local government bodies.

The role of each of these elements is different. Municipal enterprises, being by their nature a social phenomenon, direct all their results, be it profit or specific goods and services, to public needs. Other enterprises and institutions are forced to participate in the implementation of public interests due to regulatory (in the form of responsibilities imposed on them in a regulatory or legislative manner) or public (voluntary in form) coercion.

The third group carries out a special function - the function of regulating the activities of the two previous groups in the interests of the population of the municipality.

Thus, from this classification it is clearly clear that when building relations between the population of a municipality and economic entities on issues of local importance, it is most profitable to have relations with municipal enterprises, since they not only sell goods and services to the population, but also the profit received as a result their activities is also the property of the local community. Therefore, a well-functioning municipal enterprise is, in principle, always more profitable for the municipal economy.

However, this is only a theoretical model, since such a state of municipal enterprises is the result of quite a long and complex work. Thus, for the municipalities of pre-revolutionary Russia, it took almost fifty years of reforms for the economic activities of municipalities to begin to bring in up to fifty percent of the revenue side of their budgets.

Each country runs its own economy. It is thanks to industry that the budget is replenished, the necessary goods, products, and raw materials are manufactured. The degree of development of the state largely depends on the efficiency of the national economy. The higher it is developed, the greater the economic potential of the country and, accordingly, the standard of living of its citizens. Sectors of the national economy are managed by special bodies. Often strategically important enterprises are controlled by the state.

The concept of an economic sector

All enterprises, factories, institutions that produce products or services of the same type constitute a certain industry. Very often, sectors of the economy closely interact with each other. They use materials, raw materials, and equipment from other areas of industry in their production. All sectors of the national economy can be divided into two groups. The first includes the mining industry. It is engaged in the extraction of minerals and other types of raw materials. This also includes seafood production. The second category is the manufacturing industry. This type is engaged in the processing of all kinds of raw materials and materials. The main sectors of the national economy are industry itself, agriculture, construction, and the transport system. They, in turn, are divided into other subtypes.

Economic zones of Russia

The country's territory has an uneven distribution of mineral reserves. That is why the Russian economic sectors form two large economic zones: Eastern and Western. The first unites Siberia and the Far East and is characterized by considerable reserves of resources. The Western part predominates here and does not have such a raw material base. Therefore, the economic sectors here are mainly manufacturing. 2/3 of all industrial areas are concentrated in this region.

Sectors of the national economy. Classification

Depending on the purpose of the product, industry is divided into groups “A” and “B”. The first is engaged in the production of means of production, the second - consumer products. There are also production and economic sectors that belong to the production sector:

All services and services to the population constitute the non-productive sphere:

  • healthcare;
  • education;
  • public utilities;
  • art, culture;
  • finance, pensions;
  • science, etc.

Gas, oil, coal industry

The country's fuel and energy complex is a very important indicator of its development and economic potential. The gas industry includes gas exploration, production, transportation and use. Blue fuel is relatively inexpensive to produce. For example, the cost exceeds the cost by more than 10 times. The oil industry is engaged in the search for deposits, production and delivery of oil. Natural gas is also produced along the way. The most expensive is the coal industry. Stone, mined in mines. Such sectors of the economy require significant financial investments, as well as a large amount of human resources.

Electric power industry

The fuel and energy complex also includes the production and distribution of electrical energy. It is produced at thermal power plants, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants. Thermal stations use gas, coal, fuel oil or peat for production. When they are burned, thermal energy is converted into electrical energy. Hydroelectric power stations are built on the banks of large bodies of water. The cost of the electricity they produce is much lower. If the area does not have rivers and large fuel reserves, then nuclear power plants are built. Their operation uses significantly less fuel consumption. Another undoubted advantage is maintaining a clean environment. A new word in energy is geothermal stations. They use the internal heat of the earth (located near volcanoes).


The economic sectors of many countries (including Russia) include the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. There are full-cycle metallurgy (production of cast iron, steel, rolled products) and conversion metallurgy, in which there is no cast iron. The location of this type of enterprise is influenced by the availability of raw materials and electricity. The branches of the Russian national economy that produce steel and rolled products are among the world leaders. The technology for manufacturing non-ferrous metals has a number of features. First of all, ores are mined, then they are enriched. Produces concentrate and rough metal. To give it the necessary properties and parameters, a refining operation is performed. They distinguish between the production of heavy metals (nickel, lead, tin) and light metallurgy (aluminum). Metallurgy of heavy metals is material-intensive: the production of one ton of metal requires several hundred tons of ore. Most often, such enterprises are located near sources of raw materials.

Mechanical engineering

Enterprises must take into account a number of factors: availability of raw materials and consumers, highly qualified personnel, favorable transport and geographical location. This includes the following sectors of the economy: the automobile industry, the carriage industry, the production of ships, and tractors. This category also includes instrument making, manufacturing of household appliances and electronic computers. This industry is also involved in the manufacture of parts and components.

Forestry and chemical industry enterprises

We encounter products from the timber industry every day. These include notebooks, furniture and much more. The logging sectors of the economy are engaged in the collection, processing and processing of wood. Often such enterprises are located in regions with extensive tree plantings. The woodworking industry produces wood construction parts, plywood, and furniture.

This area also includes the sawmill industry. The pulp and paper industries produce paper, cardboard, pulp, paper containers and much more. The forest chemical industry is also distinguished. It is engaged in the production of solvents, methyl alcohol, and hydrolysis production. The chemical industry includes the production of fibers, dyes, plastics, and the paint and varnish industry. This complex also includes pharmacology, production of organic synthesis substances, and household chemicals.

Agriculture branches

Agriculture is a fairly important component of the country's economy, because it provides the population with food. This category is divided into livestock farming and the cultivation of all kinds of plants (vegetables, fruits, grains and industrial crops, etc.).

Branches of agriculture that engage in animal breeding are cattle breeding (meat and dairy breeds), sheep farming, and poultry farming. There are also farms for raising pigs, horses, fish. Beekeeping is also one of the areas of animal husbandry.

1. City economy

The word “economy” comes from the ancient Greek word “oikos”, which means economy. If we follow this approach, then the city's economy is an urban economy. In this case, the city’s economy should be considered from the point of view of the state of productive forces and production relations. In the first case, we are talking about the material and technical base of the urban economy, and if we talk specifically about the system of means of production (means of labor and objects of labor), the technologies with the help of which material goods and services are produced.

Urban economy - economic activities of the urban district in order to satisfy collective, public andspiritual needs of the population.

Currently, there is a tendency to transform large cities from industrial centers into centers for the provision of work and services.

There is a classification of cities:

Classification of urban settlements by population population, thousand people in the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation


Cities, thousand people

Villages, people

Extra large

Over 3000

The largest

Over 1000 to 3000


Over 250 to 1000

Over 5000


Over 100 to 250

From 1000 to 5000


Over 50 to 100

Over 200 to 1000


Less than 50

Less than 200

In Krasnoyarsk today the population is 921 thousand people.

Based on the nature of their functions, settlements specializing in industrial production, construction and transport can be distinguished.

According to administrative and political significance, capital cities, centers of territories and regions, autonomous republics, and centers of lower administrative regions are distinguished.

The three indicated characteristics underlie the functional typology of cities. Taken together, these features can be distinguished:

Multifunctional capital cities (Moscow, Saint Petersburg); Such cities are usually large or largest. Along with the development of industry, transport and other areas, these cities are characterized by a high degree of development of administrative, political, cultural and educational functions

Multifunctional centers of autonomous republics and regional centers .

As a rule, these are large and medium-sized cities. Industrial centers.

They belong mainly to large and medium-sized cities. Industrial centers have the largest share of people employed in industry, construction and transport. Small towns.

They are characterized by the predominant development of organizational and economic; trade - distribution, administrative - cultural functions. Industry and transport here are generally of local importance. Transport cities.

These are predominantly small and medium-sized cities. Cities - health centers

, where there is a high proportion of people employed in healthcare. Cities are scientific and experimental centers.

The leading function is scientific service. In terms of population, they belong to the group of medium and small.

Along with the listed functional types of cities, it is possible to identify other intermediate types in relation to the listed ones and new ones (for example, satellite cities that perform the functions of “residential branches” of a nearby large city, agricultural city, city - center of tourism).

In urban planning practice, along with centralized settlement, group systems of populated areas are becoming more developed. is a collection of urban and rural settlements of various sizes and national economic profiles, united by developed territorial and production connections, common engineering infrastructure, a unified network of social and cultural service centers and recreational areas for the population.

When using economic criteria, there is a different grouping of settlements.

In this case, the first group includes cities with a relatively developed and large economic system. Industrial and industrial-transport cities make up about 90% of this group, and transport and transport-industrial centers are mainly concentrated in the Northern, Far Eastern, North Caucasian, Central Black Earth and Volga economic regions.

The second group consists of cities with a relatively small economic base. The so-called economic centers. Among them are the cities:

With relatively developed industrial, industrial and transport functions

With a predominance of functions for organizational, economic and socio-cultural services of adjacent territories;

With pronounced agricultural functions;

With unexpressed functions (2%).

The third group includes cities of all other functional types. These are new cities, centers of science and scientific services, recreational centers, and other cities.

2. Composition of the urban economy.

The economy of any city is a certain unity of city-forming and city-serving enterprises.

City-forming objects are the fundamental basis of its emergence and development. The city-forming base is a set of industries, enterprises, institutions and organizations, the results of which are mainly aimed at performing functions that extend beyond the boundaries of a given city, as well as functions to ensure employment, production, and goods for the population.

City service facilities Most of them belong to the non-production sphere. An integral part is the urban economy. It includes housing, communal and consumer services enterprises, passenger transport, healthcare and social welfare institutions, education, culture and art. City service facilities perform internal functions related to the production of products (services) to meet the needs of the population.

The city develops in the process of interrelations between city-forming and city-serving industries. City-forming and city-serving enterprises must complement each other, since the final results of their activities depend on each other. Otherwise, the city will suffer economically and socially.

The urban economy includes the following sectors and complexes:

  • housing, including technical and sanitary systemsmaintenance of housing stock, current and major repairs residential buildings;

water supply and sewerage for residential and non-residential buildings of the city;

municipal energy, including heat, gas, electricity;

improvement of the urban area, including road maintenance, sanitary cleaning, cleaning and disposal of household waste and garbage, gardening, maintenance of small architectural forms,reservoirs, beaches and other urban objects;

urban passenger transport and organization of traffic flows;

urban planning regulation and land management;

city ​​property management;

city ​​information systems, etc.

In addition to these basic activities, the urban economyalso includes external functions for the maintenance and utilities of a number of city facilities that are not part of the city economy:

technical maintenance and utilities of facilitiessocial and cultural sphere of the city - schools, clinics, hospitals,libraries, sports facilities, etc.;

utilities supply of energy, water and drainagesewerage, urban improvement servicesterritory of trade and public catering enterprises,law enforcement and military organizations, industrial enterprises, commercial organizations of various profiles and other objects located in the city.

As follows from this grouping, the urban economy includes objects and activities of two types: directly providingvital functions of the city, as well as providing services

Urban agriculture has a number of features. Firstly, its multi-sectoral nature (housing and utilities, energy, education, healthcare, etc.); The largest part is housing and utilities, which represent an independent industry.

Secondly, local character (the activities of enterprises are aimed at meeting the needs, as a rule, of the local population). The composition of the urban economy and the cost of its elements are determined by the size of the city, population, features of urban planning, and natural conditions.

Thirdly, close ties with industry. Its size is determined by the population, which depends mainly on the size of the industry developing in a given city. Industry supplies the city economy with materials and equipment. The urban economy ensures the normal operation of industrial enterprises, supplying them with water, gas, sewerage, transport, etc. The exception is resort, administrative and scientific cities, which develop due to other city-forming factors.

Fourthly, a set of interrelated industries and enterprises, which necessitates their proportional development. Any industry cannot develop in isolation from others. For example, the development of urban transport requires the simultaneous improvement of streets and roads; the volume of sewerage work depends on the capacity of the city water supply, etc.

Fifthly, the peculiarities of the processes of production and consumption of products by the majority of urban housing and communal services enterprises - they either coincide in time (passenger transport services, bathhouses, etc.) or directly follow each other (electricity supply, water supply, etc. .). In this regard, most enterprises cannot accumulate products and must produce as much as is required at a given time. This leads to uneven production throughout the day (peak hours) and year (summer, winter).

3. Municipal property. The city's economy is a complex system of socio-economic, organizational, economic and managerial relations. Speaking about socio-economic relations, first of all, one should keep in mind the fundamental importance of forms of ownership. In a modern city, all forms of ownership are represented - state, private and municipal.

Particular attention should be paid to the municipal form of ownership, since its objects directly influence the development of the city.

List of objects related to municipal property:

1. State-owned objects located in territories under the jurisdiction of the corresponding city (except for cities of regional subordination), district (except for districts in cities) Councils of People's Deputies (local administration):

Housing and non-residential stock managed by the executive bodies of local authorities of the Councils of People's Deputies (local administration), including buildings and structures previously transferred by them to the management (on the balance sheet) of other legal entities, as well as built-in and attached non-residential premises built for account of 5-7 percent contributions for the construction of social, cultural and domestic facilities;

Housing maintenance enterprises and repair and construction enterprises servicing facilities;

Objects of the city's engineering infrastructure (except for those included in the property of the enterprise), urban passenger transport (including the subway), external improvement, as well as enterprises operating, maintaining, maintaining and repairing these objects;

Other objects under the operational management of the executive bodies of city and district (in cities) Councils of People's Deputies (local administration).

2. Objects of state property under the jurisdiction of state authorities and administration of the republics within the Russian Federation, territories, regions of the autonomous region and autonomous districts and located on the territory of the corresponding cities:

Enterprises of retail trade, public catering and consumer services;

Wholesale and warehouse facilities, enterprises and divisions of production and technical equipment necessary to ensure the turnover and volume of services of these enterprises;

Institutions and facilities - healthcare (except for regional hospitals and dispensaries), public education (except for special schools for children suffering from chronic diseases), culture and sports.

3. Enterprises and public catering facilities, institutions of public education, healthcare, culture and sports, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

4. Retail trade, public catering and consumer services enterprises under the jurisdiction of ministries, departments, state enterprises (except for a closed network).

Municipal property is associated with the development of not only current, but also long-term interests of the population of the territory, the volume and structure of which cannot be compared with the interests of private owners.

Municipal property determines the content of the entire complex of economic relations that arise in the sphere of production, distribution, exchange, consumption that arise in connection with the production of goods and services. It determines the volumes, direction, and speed of movement of commodity and cash flows. Municipal property is the basis of the entire financial system of the territory. All this taken together allows us to believe that city administrations, relying on such a basis as municipal property, are competent to develop and implement their socio-economic policies.

The city's economy is also a system of organizational and economic relations, which are expressed in the specialization of production, typical forms of labor cooperation, and combination of production.

The system of managerial relations is also diverse. These are relations between the federal center, the subject of the Federation and the municipality, as well as between the latter and the subjects - individuals and legal entities; inside the territory.

4. Subject “Economics and urban planning”.

The subject of economics and urban planning is to identify the content and dynamics of the system of interaction of economic relations that ensure the development of the urban planning process. Ultimately, scientific research in this area should answer the following questions:

What to build?

In what volumes?

Through what means?

How will construction development affect the city’s economy?

Each of these questions requires specification. So, when answering the first one, you should think about the possible ratio of high-rise and low-rise construction. What should be the priorities of the relationship between one and the other based on real conditions? What should be the ratio of different types of panel and brick house construction? Other questions require the same clarification.

If we talk more specifically about the content of the subject “Economics and Urban Planning”, it includes:

  • Clarification of the conditions for the emergence of urban settlements and factors influencing their development
  • Determination of the scientific and methodological foundations of urban planning
  • Justification for the placement of urban development facilities of the production and non-production spheres in the process of regional planning.
  • Finding a scientific basis for approaches to managing the process of urban development and reconstruction
  • Clarification of the principles of territorial development of cities.

The city management system includes a number of targeted, functional and supporting subsystems focused on achieving current goals and solving assigned tasks. Urban agriculture occupies a special place among them.

There are different points of view on the content of this term, which differ in the breadth of coverage of the included industries and types of activities, as well as the principles for the formation of these concepts. Three approaches to the formation and principles of education in this sphere can be distinguished: expansive, restrictive and rational.

According to the first of them, almost everything that is located in a given territory is included in the urban economy. Moreover, in this interpretation there are two varieties. According to the first of them, the urban economy includes all existing types of activity in a given territory, regardless of its nature, municipal focus, forms of ownership, etc. This approach has very blurred boundaries and completely coincides with the concept of “socio-economic sphere of the city.” In accordance with the second type of expansion approach, the urban economy includes all sectors and activities oriented towards the local market and local consumers represented by local governments, the population and organizations of a local nature, regardless of their form of ownership. In this case, the urban economy completely coincides with the concept of “urban service sector”.

In accordance with the restrictive point of view, urban management refers to only those industries, activities and objects that are in municipal ownership. In practice, this means a noticeable narrowing of the boundaries of the urban economy due to the process of privatization of urban facilities and the underestimation of various enterprises and organizations in this area that have alternative forms of ownership - repair and construction, housing and communal services, transport, etc.

In accordance with the rational position that we take, the term “urban economy” should contain a special qualitative definition and not coincide with other concepts. The urban economy includes those sectors and activities that belong to the city service sector, are an integral part of economic activity in a given territory, are socially oriented in nature and are in the area of ​​direct regulation of city authorities. Based on this, the urban economy is a territorial-industrial complex that meets the needs of the population and territory for services, works and products of public importance, and also creates the necessary conditions for the development of the city.

The basis of the urban economy is the housing and communal services complex, which includes housing and public services for consumers. This complex has a high proportion of municipal property and performs vital functions for the life of the city - maintenance and repair of residential and public buildings, technical and sanitary maintenance of urban areas, providing the population and organizations with water, gas, electricity, heat. At the same time, other service sectors, such as trade and public catering, are almost completely privatized and V the composition of the urban economy is not included. In relation to them, the necessary conditions for development are created and control functions are carried out.

So, the urban economy includes the following sectors and complexes:

    housing, including technical and sanitary systems
    maintenance of housing stock, current and major repairs
    residential buildings;

    water supply and sewerage for residential and non-residential buildings of the city;

    municipal energy, including heat, gas, electricity;

    improvement of the urban area, including road maintenance,
    sanitary cleaning, cleaning and disposal of household waste and garbage,
    gardening, maintenance of small architectural forms,
    reservoirs, beaches and other urban objects;

    urban passenger transport and organization of transport

    urban planning regulation and land management;

    city ​​property management;

    city ​​information systems, etc.

In addition to these basic activities, the municipal economy also includes external functions for the maintenance and utilities of a number of urban facilities that are not part of the city economy:

    technical maintenance and utilities of facilities
    social and cultural sphere of the city - schools, clinics, hospitals,
    libraries, sports facilities, etc.;

    utilities supply of energy, water and drainage
    sewerage, urban improvement services
    territory of trade and public catering enterprises,
    law enforcement and military organizations, industrial
    enterprises, commercial organizations of various profiles and
    other objects located in the city.

As follows from this grouping, the urban economy includes objects and activities of two types: directly providing the vital functions of the city, as well as providing services

2. The main economic entities of the urban economy: business sector, household, local government bodies. Their interaction in the local community

Urban management means the interaction between three main subjects: households, entrepreneurs, local governments.

In general economic theory, a household is understood as the final consumers of a national product. General economic theory classifies the business sector as anyone who produces goods and services for profit. There are different approaches to assessing the activities of enterprises. It is important for the local community to evaluate not only the effectiveness of an individual enterprise, but also what each specific enterprise provides to ensure the livelihoods of the community as a whole. From this point of view, the following criteria can be proposed:

    the criterion of enterprise profitability is of fundamental importance,
    part of taxes and deductions from their activities is important

    source of replenishment of the local budget;

    employment criterion. The important questions are: how many jobs does the enterprise create?

How stable are the jobs created?
A criterion for the quality of jobs.

According to Art. 131 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the population is given the right

    high social significance, since almost all types of activities in the urban economy are aimed at meeting the needs of citizens;

    high share of municipal property;

    close relationship and interdependence of many sectors of the urban economy with each other and with other areas of activity in a given territory;

    the special nature of the activities of municipal enterprises, the homogeneity of products, the difficulty of creating reserves, etc.

    the presence of natural local monopolies in ensuring the functioning of the city’s vital engineering and energy systems: water supply and sewerage, municipal energy.

I will consider five models of organizing local self-government: The choice of one model or another depends on many different factors. In practice, a combination of models is possible.

a) Model “Strong Mayor - Council” The Mayor and Council are elected by the entire population.

    The Mayor has a suspensive veto over Council decisions;

    Independently forms the administration;

    Appoints and dismisses administration employees to positions;

    Individually manages the activities of the administration;

    Organizes the work of the Council, presides over its meetings,
    signs acts adopted by the Council.

To maintain balance, the Council is given the right to override a veto by a majority vote of deputies. Early termination of the mayor's powers in the event of loss of confidence from voters occurs by decision of a local referendum.

Application condition: if there is a candidate for the position of mayor who enjoys the support of the majority of voters and has sufficient administrative and managerial qualities.

b) Model “Weak Mayor - Council” In this model, the mayor is elected from among the council members. Its “weakness” lies in its complete control and accountability to the Council:

The mayor does not have veto power;

    The formation of the administration, the appointment and dismissal of administration employees is carried out by him with the consent of the Council;

    The scope of his right to direct the administration is limited by decisions of the Council.

Early termination of the powers of the mayor is carried out by the Council on its own initiative or on the initiative of the population.

Application condition: when it is impossible to identify voters' preferences regarding candidates or if the candidate does not have the knowledge, skills and abilities to manage the municipality.

c) Model “Council - Manager”

This model does not provide for the position of mayor. The activities of the Council are carried out by the Chairman, elected from among the Council deputies. He has no authority to direct the local administration.

All administrative functions are concentrated in a manager hired on a contract basis, who single-handedly forms the administration, manages its activities, appoints and dismisses administration officials. The manager's relationship with the Council is determined by the terms of the contract.

Condition of application: when the situation is uncertain regarding applicants for the position of the highest official of a municipal entity.

d) Model "City Commission"

It is not the deputies of the representative body that are elected, but the heads of bodies and structural divisions of the local administration. The powers of the representative body are exercised by a commission, which includes all elected officials.

Condition of application: for municipalities with sufficient personnel potential.

e) Model “Mayor - Assembly” This model can only be recommended for small settlements where the functions of a representative body can be performed by the population.

3. The concept of local budget. Expenses and revenues of the local budget

A local budget is a plan for the financial activities of local governments for a certain period, presented in the form of an inventory of income and expenses.

Classification of local budgets

1. Depending on the content of the activity, there are two types of budgets:

Current budget represents the totality of income and expenses of local governments that provide for the priority needs of the urban economy. Development budget includes the totality of income and expenses aimed at improving and developing the urban economy.

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