An error occurred in the taxpayer's office during release. Mikhail Mishustin: “We are not going to control citizens’ expenses. And the role of the state and the tax authorities here

The guy faces criminal penalties

“We want to hold a rally in defense of the pilot, Senior Lieutenant Nefedov. Come,” a phone call from a veteran friend from Armavir took him by surprise. A rally in defense of an officer? This is something new for Russian democracy...

The honored ace said that veterans - graduates of the Armavir Aviation School - can no longer look at the lawlessness that is happening against their colleague - Baltic Fleet naval aviation pilot Sergei Nefedov.

In May 2017, during his first solo flight on a Su-27 fighter, the plane was damaged during landing. For this mistake, the lieutenant was convicted under a criminal article and sentenced to two years of probation with payment of damages of 27 million rubles.

The damaged Su-27 was restored in a couple of weeks. He's flying again. But the “criminal lieutenant” was removed from flight work, although not only veterans, but also his commanders came to Sergei’s defense. MK, relying on the documents at its disposal, tried to understand this story.

In the simulator cabin.

To be honest, at first I didn’t even believe in all this, I decided: some kind of nonsense. How many young pilots make mistakes on their first solo flight? Yes, through one. Just varying degrees of severity. So what, everyone should be judged?

Remember the favorite pilot movie of all time, “Only Old Men Go to Battle”? And the Maestro’s catchphrase when Lieutenant Kuznechik damaged the plane during landing: “Suspend from flying! Don’t give a hundred grams! Appoint as duty officer... Eternal duty officer at the airfield..."

This is a completely adequate punishment for such a mistake. And even then for the first time. After all, if a boy has been taught to fly, he cannot be kept on the ground forever. And the point here is not even in the tearful lyrics about dreams of heaven, clipped wings and other “poetics”. The fact is that training to be a pilot is too expensive for the state.

I remember that at the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy I once heard how an emeritus professor explained to future aviation doctors why they should take especially careful care of the health and psychological state of military pilots. The teacher gave an example: “We take the scales. We put gold bars on one bowl, and a lieutenant pilot on the other. When the bowls are equal, calculate the cost of the bullion, and you will find out the amount it costs the state to train a pilot. Literally worth its weight in gold."

So what terrible crime did Lieutenant Nefedov commit if military prosecutors - people who guard not only financial, but also other legitimate interests of the state - suddenly decided not to let him fly? Who is this terrible “criminal pilot” Nefedov?

System error

There were no military men in Sergei Nefedov’s family. But he still dreamed of the army since childhood and always wanted to become a pilot. At the age of 14, he entered the Neklinovskaya school of initial flight training near Taganrog, and upon graduation, he entered the Krasnodar Flight School.

His flying youth occurred during the years of difficult army reforms. Starting from the 90s and until the mid-2000s, our military aircraft practically did not fly. There was a shortage of everything: aircraft, spare parts, kerosene... Especially for flight schools.

The cadets were told: be patient, when you arrive at the regiment, you will fly, there is more fuel there. But the same problem awaited them in the regiments. Commanders were always faced with a choice: give kerosene to young lieutenants who were barely trained to approach an airplane, or support the training of captains and majors, who in case of war could be trusted to carry out a combat mission. It is clear that the choice was not made in favor of young people.

Then, under Minister Serdyukov, combat aviation began to be cut down at the roots. For several years in a row, aviation schools did not recruit cadets at all - they brought the university system “to a new look.” Pilots were dismissed from regiments in batches. None of the reformers counted the “gold bars” spent on their training.

Later, with the arrival of Sergei Shoigu in the military department, they realized it. They did the math and shed a tear. It turned out that combat aviation lacks over 1,300 pilots. They tried to bring back those who had been fired, take them out of civilian life and put them back into service. It turned out it was too late. Some have already flown on Boeings and Airbuses, earning very good money, while others have settled on the ground. They were replaced by newcomers, who, thanks to the notorious “new look,” did not have time to properly put on the wing.

...After graduating from flight school, Lieutenant Nefedov was assigned to Kaliningrad, to one of the military units of the naval aviation of the Baltic Fleet. In November 2013, at the Center for Retraining and Training of Fighter Aviation Flight Personnel in Savasleika (Nizhny Novgorod Region), he began mastering the Su-27P fighter: he completed a theoretical training course and trained on simulators.

However, the unit did not have enough training aircraft, and for three years in a row Nefedov was sent to Yeysk, to the naval aviation training center “to maintain flying skills,” where he flew the L-39 trainer. In aviation they call it a “flying desk.”

When it was finally his turn, they began to “take him out” on a twin Su-27. Immediately before his first solo flight, he and his instructor completed twelve extraction flights and one control flight. Everything is “good” and “excellent”.

...On May 18, 2017, Nefedov took off on his own on a Su-27P plane. He completed all the tasks in the sky successfully. But when the car was already on the ground, the lieutenant made a mistake - he mixed up the control levers located nearby.

Sergei Nefedov (right) with a colleague.

Case materials. From an expert assessment of possible erroneous actions of the pilot:

“After completing the flight mission, the pilot performed a landing approach from a circle at an altitude of 300 meters. 2 seconds after the main wheels touched the runway at the end of the precision landing strip, the pilot lowered the nose wheel. After 1 second of running on three wheels, the pilot mistakenly, unintentionally, instead of pressing the brake parachute release button, set the landing gear valve switch to the “retracted” position.

Simply put, the plane, at a speed of about 200 kilometers per hour, hit the runway with its nose, as a result of which part of the skin, the radar fairing, some external equipment were damaged, and the engine air inlets were damaged.

In flight slang this is called “breaking the landing gear.” The case is not unique. If you talk about this in a group of pilots, everyone immediately begins to vying with each other to remember who, where, when, in which military unit “broke the stand” in the same way.

Moreover, on Su-27P modification aircraft, this, as it turned out, is generally considered a system error. This is facilitated by one serious ergonomic drawback of the cabin. Test pilots demanded that the designers eliminate it during testing of the vehicle. They wrote: block the landing gear retraction valve when the plane is already on the ground.

This shortcoming was listed in the first stage of development work, noted in the test report approved by the Air Force Commander-in-Chief on November 19, 2004, but was never eliminated.

That is, the point is that aircraft designers placed control levers in the cockpit without taking into account possible human behavioral reactions, thereby not creating reliable protection against accidental retraction of the landing gear of an aircraft that had already landed on the runway.

Case materials. Expert assessment of the cockpit ergonomics of the Su-27P aircraft (the document was signed by seven senior test pilots with ranks from major to colonel):

“During joint state tests of the aircraft... the flight personnel of military unit 15650 identified the following ergonomic drawback of the aircraft cabin: there is no locking mechanism for retracting the landing gear on the ground.

...Levers, the incorrect or accidental activation of which can lead to an emergency, must be distinguished by shape, color, have a safety device and, if necessary, must be placed on the panel from the general row.

Conclusion: the absence of a lock for retracting the landing gear on the ground on the Su-27P aircraft is an ergonomic disadvantage and a violation of the requirements of paragraph 4.6.1 of OTT Air Force-86, book 1, part 2, which can lead to unintentional retraction of the landing gear on the ground.”

“Let them sit in the cockpit and try to fly!”

Lieutenant Nefedov’s legal battle is now widely discussed on aviation websites. Almost all pilots are angry at the decision made regarding him. Someone suggests that “the prosecutor, the investigator, and the judge should be fired for incompetence for their position,” someone jokes: “Nefedov got off lightly, because he accidentally damaged the plane. What if he deliberately broke it, like Talalikhin or Gastello?”

There are also those who blame the commanders for everything: they say they put an undertrained lieutenant in the cockpit, and now they want to blame all their mistakes on him.

I’ll say right away: commanders in this situation very actively defend their subordinates and are not going to pin any of their own mistakes on him.

I am against anyone judging a pilot for a mistake! If they think that everything is so simple in aviation, let them sit in the cockpit and try to fly! - this is how the commander of naval aviation, Hero of Russia, Major General Igor Kozhin, expressed his position sharply and categorically in a conversation with me. He personally applied to the investigative authorities to dismiss the case, but his appeal was rejected.

As for the raid, Senior Lieutenant Nefedov’s raid is really small. Court records say 22 hours over the past three years. But this is still how to calculate: 22 hours is the total flight time on the Su-27, of which after a long break, immediately before the first independent flight - 7 hours 38 minutes.

In addition, the psychological state of the young pilot on such an important flight should be taken into account. And if you remember how many years he went to him, how many obstacles all kinds of “reformers” put in his way, imagine what emotional stress a person could experience!

From the case materials. Conclusion of the medical-psychological examination (signed by five military doctors, three of whom are doctors of medical sciences, two are candidates):

“...Excessive neuropsychic stress in flight, due to the low level of preparation for flights at low altitudes and excessive motivation for the successful completion of the flight mission, could lead to overstrain of mental processes, the development of the phenomenon of premature mental demobilization after a successful landing, decreased control over parameters and - as a result - the occurrence of erroneous actions.

The design (ergonomic) flaw of the Su-27P aircraft, associated with the lack of locking of the landing gear retraction crane to compress the landing gear on the ground, contributed to the fact that the erroneous action of the guard, Senior Lieutenant S.A. Nefedov, due to the circumstances described above, led to a serious aviation incident.” .

Here I would especially like to draw attention to the fact that the conclusions of almost all examinations do not speak of an “aviation accident”, but rather of an “incident”. For any lawyer, the difference between these concepts is fundamental: an “incident” is only a prerequisite for a flight accident.

In this case, such a prerequisite entailed the repair of the aircraft, for which, however, it was not even necessary to involve specialists from the repair plant. The unit's aircraft engineers replaced the damaged parts using their supplies from old aircraft, and the Su-27P was flying within three weeks. The pilot also remained alive and well. Everything seems to be in order, but despite this, suddenly a “criminal” article 351 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of flight rules and preparation for them” arises.

From a legal point of view, a “violation” is an intentional act, while a “mistake” is an act without intent. Aviation violations do happen. When, for example, there is a person in the cockpit who violates the flight mission, the commander’s orders, and flight safety rules. All this can lead to serious, irreversible consequences.

But was there any intent in Nefedov’s actions? So why was this punitive mechanism launched, which creates a precedent that now makes it possible to turn any pilot who made a mistake into an outcast criminal?

Case materials. From the address of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Occupational Psychology, Honored Scientist in the field of aerospace medicine, Major General V.A. Ponomarenko to the head of the military investigative department of the Russian Investigative Committee for the Baltic Fleet, Major General of Justice S.A. Sharshavykh: “I am deeply convinced, that the mistake made by the pilot, Senior Lieutenant Sergei Nefedov, during landing is not a reason to bring him to criminal responsibility. ...such a precedent in aviation practice will inevitably lead to dire consequences.

The pilots will refuse to fly because they will know that for any mistake in preparation, training, or retraining they will be subject to criminal prosecution.”

Got into the reports - no turning back

As Sergei’s colleagues said, none of them at first even thought that things would take such a drastic turn.

Typically, the mechanism for considering this type of case in aviation is as follows: the flight safety service of the Ministry of Defense conducts a preliminary investigation, after which it issues a conclusion as to whether there was some kind of violation in terms of flight preparation or simply a pilot error.

In this case, Nefedov’s offense was defined as a mistake, nothing more. A criminal case, however, is initiated in any case, but then, on the basis of available examinations and conclusions of various specialists proving that a mistake has occurred, the criminal case is terminated.

However, this time the military prosecutor's office went all-in. As one of Nefedov’s commanders said, “they went out of their way to blame the boy.” When Sergei’s commanders heard that the court of first instance - it took place in February 2017 in the Chernyakhovsky Garrison Court of Kaliningrad - handed down a sentence: two years probation with payment of damages of 27 million rubles, they immediately realized: how can this be? We started to act, but it turned out to be too late. The military prosecutor's office has already recorded this case as its asset.

How is it with us? What is included in the reports - there is no turning back. But an appeal was nevertheless filed. The court of second instance rejected this decision in March 2018, sending the case for further investigation.

Case materials. From the decision of the court of appeal: “...During the investigation of the criminal case, the likelihood of Nefedov’s possible mistake, excluding any liability associated with the presence of defects and features of the aircraft, was not checked. The possibility of such an error is evidenced...” (the following is a list of documents presented to the court).

In addition, the appeal court determined that the amount of damage of 27 million rubles assigned to Nefedov was unreasonably inflated, since the calculation took into account the cost of new parts that were not installed on the damaged aircraft during repairs.

This financial item with the recalculation of damage literally became a lifesaver for investigators. Now they are traveling around the country, finding out everywhere how much it could cost to repair an aircraft using second-hand parts. At the same time, they are trying hard not to notice the point of the appeal ruling where the very fact of the pilot’s guilt is called into question, which allegedly attracts criminal punishment.

What did you think? - says my friend from Armavir. - The prosecutors themselves might be happy to cancel everything that they “stirred up,” but in that case, one of them would have to answer. Who cares?

They say they thought about stopping the case “due to newly discovered circumstances,” but this turned out to be not so easy. So now they press on further. And so, you see, they will “move up” on the damage, reduce the amount of payment, and it will turn out: it seems like they executed the appeal decision and did not particularly harm themselves.

That is, it turns out that the issue of appeal rests solely on money: you will have to pay more or less. And the pilot was appointed guilty a priori. The investigation does not seem to be concerned about his fate. Although, it would seem, the logic of the investigation should be completely different: first it is necessary to determine the degree of Nefedov’s guilt, and then begin to calculate how much damage was caused to the state as a result of this guilt.

But for now, only the investigation itself causes damage to the state. It has been going on since May 2017. The plane that caused all this fuss has been flying for a long time, but the pilot has not: the person under investigation is prohibited from flying.

It is difficult to imagine that all this is being done in the interests of the state. What would have happened if military investigators had worked like this during the Great Patriotic War? I think our aviation would be missing dozens of world-famous aces in its ranks.

For example, who doesn’t remember the legendary pilot, three times Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Pokryshkin? It was called “the heavenly horror of the fascists.” When he flew out on a mission, the German airwaves carried a warning: “Attention, Pokryshkin is in the air!” But few people know that the first plane that Pokryshkin shot down was our Soviet Su-2 bomber. He mistakenly took it for a German plane.

Later, the famous pilot said more than once that if there had not been smart, decent people among the NKVD investigators then, his military career could have ended before it began.

From the memoirs of Air Marshal, Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Military Pilot of the USSR Ivan PSTYGO:“At the end of June 41st in Moldova, two nine of our planes went to bomb the crossing. I led my staff team.

In the air, the navigator reports to me: “The cover fighters have arrived, now let’s have more fun!” Then one MiG turned around and hit my squadron commander, Mikhail Ivanovich Gudzenko. The Su-2 began to smoke and went down. Pokryshkin, then a captain, was flying in the MiG. We bombed and returned. The regiment commander ordered me to fly to the crash site in a Po-2. The commander was alive, but the navigator had three bullets in his heart. They dug a grave and fired a pistol salute.”

...In June 2018, Senior Lieutenant Nefedov had to undergo a scheduled medical flight commission (MFC) in Moscow, without the conclusion of which the officer is not allowed to fly. But the investigator wrote to the unit commander to under no circumstances allow his subordinate to go on a business trip or vacation, since investigative actions were ongoing.

As a result, Nefedov failed to pass the VLK on time. Only three months later, after the intervention of a lawyer, Sergei was released to the VLK to see the capital’s doctors.

Military pilot Nefedov leaves the registry office in Chernyakhovsk with his young wife Svetlana.

But a week after he successfully passed all the doctors, from the dentist to the psychiatrist, the investigator again sent him to Moscow, already to the 111th center of the Ministry of Defense for a second psychiatric examination to find out whether he had mental disorders, whether he could distinguish colors , cabin elements, etc.

For now, we can only guess why all this is needed. Although, it seems to me, if an unknown starley suddenly turned out to be insane, this would be a way out for the investigation: it seems like both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe. But the results of the examination that Nefedov underwent on October 8 are not yet ready. Why so long? Perhaps the task facing doctors turned out to be too difficult?

After all, if the conclusion of the psychiatric examination initiated by the investigation turns out to be in favor of the senior lieutenant, the investigation will simply be obliged to remove the “criminal” charge from the young pilot. And what does it mean? That's right: that the one who let him down will be punished.

Well, what did you think? - one military lawyer commented on this situation, asking not to be named. - No one has canceled the “stick” system. The work of law enforcement officers in our country is still assessed not by the reduction of crime, but by the detection rate.

There are a number of registered criminal cases. And there is a number of disclosed ones. They may not correlate with each other. But the closer these numbers are to each other, the more effective the work of law enforcement agencies. And the fact that people’s destinies may be behind this is the tenth thing. The forest is being cut down and the chips are flying.

...This time, the fate of Sergei Nefedov, a guard senior lieutenant of naval aviation of the Baltic Fleet, may become a “chip.” A man who all his life wanted to become a great military pilot. And even now I still haven’t given up on this hope.


Coordination with the city authorities of the place and time of the rally in defense of military pilot Sergei Nefedov was delayed. Therefore, its initiators decided to hold a meeting of veterans for now. It took place in Armavir on Tuesday. Media representatives and local television were invited to attend.

Very often we hear complaints about the work of the taxpayer’s office from users of the Tax Committee website. It is difficult for beginners to set up a personal computer; errors systematically appear when sending tax reports; users cannot receive or print documents. Problems with the work of the taxpayer’s office constantly appear on the pages of Shakhimat, but government officials are in no hurry to solve the problems of taxpayers. At the same time, thousands of users work with the Tax Committee website every day, and in all likelihood, unlike officials, these problems are being resolved. To learn the secrets of working with the taxpayer’s office, it was decided to seek help from third-party specialists.

The ShahimaT website was able to contact a competent specialist, an engineer with considerable experience in servicing computer software and automated systems.

— Sergey, what, in your opinion, are the most popular mistakes that occur when working with the taxpayers’ office?

“Today, the taxpayers’ office is visited by entire families. In this case, they try to use one computer and only one configured browser. Due to the peculiarities and imperfections of the Tax Committee's software, errors often occur due to the use of several keys on one computer. The most popular error, perhaps, is the message “Your TRN does not match the TRN of the signature certificate.” An error occurs after the user has logged into the account using his own key, filled out tax reports, and cannot be sent to the server.

— Which browser do you think should be used when working with a taxpayer’s account?

— Taxpayers have long chosen the Google Chrome browser. It works faster with the site and is easier to configure. Setting up Google Chrome involves opening full access to the taxpayers' account. In additional browser settings, you should add exceptions to restrictions for cabinet.salyk.KZ.

— How to set up a browser to work with the taxpayer’s account? Are there any instructions?

— Unfortunately, the instructions on the Tax Committee website for setting up and working with browsers are morally and technically outdated. To get rid of the errors that arise, you need to seriously redo all the settings of your browser. There are no ideal recommendations yet, but if they appear, they may exceed the Great Soviet Encyclopedia in volume (just kidding).

— How to get rid of the popular error and message “Your TRN does not match the TRN of the signature certificate” from the Tax Committee server?

— If a group of taxpayers using one computer to send tax reports is sure that everything is in order with their keys, then it is enough to set up work with cookies. The paradox of the Tax Committee's software is that when registering a key, some data is saved in the browser. When sending reports, the saved cookie data is compared with the key data. If the cookies of the previous key are not deleted, then at the time of sending tax reports the cookies will be different, a failure will occur and the message “Your TRN does not match the TRN of the signature certificate” will appear. There is no need to panic! The prepared form for sending should be saved using the “Save in Mon account” button. Select “Settings” in the Google Chrome browser, then “Show advanced settings”, after “Personal data” and “Content settings”. A new pop-up window will appear, where in “Cookies” you should select “Delete local data when closing the browser.” In general, and all the settings for this problem. After closing the browser, the saved key cookies will be deleted.

— With the problem of an error and the message “Your TRN does not match the TRN of the signature certificate,” we contacted the Software User Support Service of the Tax Code of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan twice, having previously described in detail the problem that arose (responses numbered 1449747 and 1449750). Here's the first answer.

Dear User of the Information Systems of the Tax Code of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, This message appears if, when sending a tax return, the taxpayer uses a key with a tax identification number that is different from the one with which he entered the Taxpayer Account. The TIN under which the taxpayer entered the Taxpayer Account is visible in the upper right corner of the Taxpayer Account “You logged in as...” When sending a tax return in the Taxpayer Account, the tax identification number is extracted from the signature certificate and compared with the tax identification number of the taxpayer authorized in the system.

- And this is the second answer.

Dear User of Information Systems of the Tax Code of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, please clean:
1. Internet browser cache.
2. Java application cache. Instructions are included in the attachment.
Then go to the NP Account again.

— Sergey, how effective are the methods for eliminating the error that were proposed by the support service?

— To put it mildly, the answers are not professional and do not solve the user’s problems. In the first case, this is a standard unsubscribe, in the second case, the proposed solutions do not eliminate the error. Doubters can experiment!

» » » We eliminate errors in the taxpayer’s account

23 comments on the article “We eliminate errors in the taxpayer’s account”

Amazingly simple solution! The error “Your TRN does not match the TRN of the signature certificate” was constantly appearing when trying to send tax reports. I've looked at a bunch of sites and there's a lot of advice about reading the instructions. Thanks to smart people for simple solutions.

Working with the taxpayers' office is like communicating with a blonde, new tricks every time. After several years of work, I still couldn’t get used to the perversions in the software. Either the browser is wrong, or the settings do not match. I sympathize with all taxpayers who submit tax reports electronically!

Same problems. I haven't been able to submit a report for a month now. As soon as I click login from my personal computer or from someone else’s computer, the Computer Setup Wizard comes out, the browser does not match, the java version of the program does not match, etc. I've downloaded so many of them, they all don't fit. So what's now?

  • In any public service center there are several computers for independent work with the portal. The website also has access to the Taxpayer’s Account - between Electronic Licensing and Electronic Government.

    Try submitting your tax report to the Public Service Center (or Taxpayer).
    For me, this move turned out to be easier than installing Java on a computer with Windows 10.1.

    • Stepan writes:

      Why suffer so much?! Of course, software specialists. But there are paid services where they will set everything up for you in 30 minutes for a small sum. And you don’t have to go anywhere and kill yourself.

      Karapuz writes:

    • The e-gov port has most likely been hacked! They don’t talk about this officially, but by searching Google you can find publicly available documents from this portal. The situation is being actively discussed on social networks. It looks like it won't be possible to submit tax returns in the near future.

      • KNP plugin- an application for working with the portal Taxpayer Account of the Republic of Kazakhstan in modern browsers (without Java support), used since 2017. Contains Java in its distribution.

        Without the KNP plugin installed and working, you will not be able to log in to the Taxpayer's Account portal.

        Download the KNP plugin

        The program is distributed free of charge, you can download the latest version on the official website using the links below:

        • KNP plugin for Windows x64 - download (from the official website);
        • KNP plugin for Windows x32 - download (from the official website).

        Even if the official website of the Kazakhstan Taxpayer Account does not work, you can still try to download the KNI plugin from the links provided above!

        If you suddenly cannot download the program from the official website using the links above, download the KNP Plugin from the file storage site using alternative links:

        In some cases, errors occur during the automatic installation of the application, which is why we have portable versions of the plugin (requiring manual "installation" from the folder bin)

        If you have any doubts about the bitness of your operating system, look at the article - or simply download and try installing a program distribution of a different bitness.

        Install KNP Plugin

        Select the offline installer of the program of the required bit size (x32 or x64) from the previous paragraph, a file download dialog box will appear.

        Select a folder location (save the file to a specific location on your computer, such as your desktop), then click the Save button.

        To start the installation process, double-click on the saved file.

        Agree to permission to make changes to your computer by clicking Yes.

        Select the application installation language, click OK(the choice of language is only responsible for installing the application, the language of the application itself is indicated after installation, in Settings applications).

        In the installation window KNP Plugin click Further.

        In the window that appears, you can change the installation folder of the application, do not change anything and click Further.
        (Change the installation folder path only if you understand why you are doing it).

        If the KNP Plugin was already installed on this computer, the following warning will appear, click Yes in this window.

        All available settings are listed, click Install, to begin the application installation process.

        Window of the installation process of the KNP Plugin application.

        If there are no problems on the computer, the following installation completion window appears in which we click Complete.

        And if everything went well, the following icon will appear in the lower right area of ​​the desktop (area: tray).

        At this point, the application installation process has been successfully completed and the KNP plugin has been successfully launched.

        Update KNP plugin

        If an outdated version of the application is installed on your computer, then when you log into the Taxpayer’s Account the following message will appear: Failed to detect KNP plugin! The plugin is not running or not installed.

        Follow these steps to update the application version:

        Right click on the icon KNP plugin in the lower right corner of the desktop, in the menu that opens, select Check for update.

        If this menu item is inactive for you, look at the section.

        The following message will appear if the version of the KNP plugin on your computer is different from the latest one. Click the button Install, to start automatic application updates.

        Wait a while (about 1-5 minutes, depending on the performance of your computer and Internet speed) until the message appears The application has been successfully updated. Click the button OK.

        If the version installed on the computer is the latest available version of the KNP plugin application, then when you try to update, a message will appear: The application is up to date.

        If for some reason the automatic update fails, perform a manual update of the application version.
        Uninstall the application, manually download the distribution kit of the new version and run.

        Checking the availability of the KNP plugin

        The simplest check for correct installation is the absence of a warning about the need to download the plugin on the Taxpayer's Account website.

        Cases often arise when the plugin is installed, but the Taxpayer’s Account website does not see it and displays the message “ The plugin is not running or not installed."

        In this case, it is worth checking the availability of the KNP plugin on the special page of the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan -.

        If the verification was successful, the message “ KNP Plugin is available and ready to use“Perhaps at the moment there is a problem in the operation of the website Taxpayer's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

        If the verification page shows an error detecting the KNP Plugin, the problem probably lies in the settings of your computer.

        Error: Failed to detect KNP plugin

        Common Mistake Failed to detect KNP plugin, with the KNP plugin installed and running.

        There are several known reasons for this error:

        Outdated version of the application

        The most common cause of the error is the use of an outdated version of the KNP plugin.
        Do this, in most cases this will help fix the problem.

        Blocking network access

        If, when trying to automatically update, the menu item is inactive Check for update, the problem is in your computer or your business's network settings.

        Home computer

        Temporarily disable your antivirus or firewall to check whether the KNP plugin is blocked by these programs.

        If the update is successful or the Taxpayer Account website “sees” the plugin, run the disabled programs and refer to the help of these programs to add the KNP Plugin application to the exceptions.

        Computer on an enterprise/office network

        If your business/office uses its own network settings (proxy server), contact your network administrator with the following information:

        On the computer using the KNP plugin, the following must be open:

        • port 10673 (make sure that you do not have any applications running that use this port to operate);
        • port 15472 (authentication server by login/password);
        • port 55331 (update server).

        For the plugin to work correctly, access to the host must be open:

        • by ports 80, 443, 55331;
        • by ports 15472, 55331;
        • via ports 80, 443, 10443.

        To check the availability of ports, you can use the utility from the archive - download.

        Unpack the archive and run check_ports.bat, as a result of the launch, log files will be created, which will describe the availability status of the ports.

        It may also be useful for a network administrator.

        Missing root certificate

        This problem was noticed in the Mozilla Firefox browser (may appear in other browsers).

        The symptom of the problem will be the message Failed to detect KNP plugin!, only when working with this browser; in other browsers the Taxpayer’s Account will open normally.

        Cause of the problem: absence of a certificate from FirstLineSoftware (developer of the KNP plugin) in the list trusted root certification authorities browser.

        Solution to the problem: installation of a company certificate, in trusted root certification authorities Mozilla Firefox browser.

        Open the folder bin in the folder of the installed KNP plugin, run the file as administrator installCertsToFF.

        Agree to run the file in the window Account control records by clicking Yes.

        Launch the Mozilla Firefox browser, logging into the Taxpayer's Account of the Republic of Kazakhstan should be successful.

        You can also run the installCertsToSystem file to install the certificate on the system if the error occurs in other browsers too.

        The FirstLineSoftware certificate is located in the folder certs, installed KNP plugin ( C:\Program Files\KNP Plugin\certs or C:\Program Files (x86)\KNP Plugin\certs).

        An unexpected KNP plugin error occurred

        Error when logging into the portal Taxpayer Account of the Republic of Kazakhstan: An unexpected error occurred in the KNI plugin

        In some cases, to fix this problem, it may be enough to restart the KNP plugin service.

        To do this, open the installed plugin folder (usually C:\Program Files\KNP Plugin\bin\ or C:\Program Files(x86)\KNP Plugin\bin\)

        Run as file administrator stopService.

        After the file is completed stopService(a black command line window appears and closes), also as an administrator, run the file startService and wait for this file to complete.

        Refresh your browser page.

        If the error appears again, you may be using an outdated version of the plugin, follow the procedure.

        Remove KNP plugin

        To remove an application, press the keyboard shortcut Windows+R.
        In the window that opens Execute, enter the command appwiz.cpl and press Enter.

        In the Programs and Features window that opens, select in the list of programs KNP Plugin, at the top of the window, click the active button Delete and confirm uninstalling the application by clicking the button Yes.

        Wait until the program uninstallation process is completed and click OK in the information message.

        Until December 3, Russians must pay taxes on their property, land and transport for 2017. But the personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) works intermittently - three Vedomosti employees were unable to log into the account the first time on Tuesday and Wednesday. “The service is temporarily unavailable due to technical work,” read the inscription on its page. A few minutes after the failure, the service started working again.

        The Federal Tax Service constantly checks the operation of your personal account and the percentage of refusals at login does not exceed 0.2%, says a representative of the service: we have prepared for peak dates - we have additionally increased throughput compared to last year. The Federal Tax Service sends tax payment notices from June to October. But the peak load on the service traditionally occurs in the last week before the deadline for paying property taxes, notes a representative of the Federal Tax Service: this year is no exception. For example, in June the service had about 300,000 users per day, and in November there were already about 2 million.

        Head of the Federal Tax Service: The notorious pressure from the tax service does not exist

        Mikhail Mishustin tells how to fit into people's daily lives and make paying taxes invisible

        Property taxes cannot be paid without notifications; they are calculated by the tax authorities themselves. For example, property taxes are calculated using a complex formula that, among other things, depends on the region. This year, the service sent 14.3 million notifications through the personal account, and a total of 68 million were sent out. In addition to property taxes, the Federal Tax Service for the first time sent annual notifications and personal income tax receipts in a package, which tax agents for some reason did not withhold in 2016–2017 years, but information about which was provided to the inspection. Until November, the consolidated budgets of the regions had already received 106 billion rubles. – 24% more than a year earlier, a service representative previously reported. In total, last year the Federal Tax Service collected 225.1 billion rubles. taxes on property of the population, follows from data from the Federal Treasury.

        A problem with access to your personal account is not a reason to delay tax payment - there are many other services to pay tax, says Taxology partner Alexey Artyukh. In addition to your personal account on the tax service website, you can pay taxes on the government services portal, through the MFC, branches of the federal postal service or banks that are partners of the Federal Tax Service. Penalties (for each day of delay, the unpaid amount of tax, multiplied by 1/300 of the key rate of the Central Bank. - Vedomosti) are accrued automatically for the very fact of delay, adds Taxadvisor senior lawyer Viktor Andreev. If the taxpayer wants to challenge the penalty, since the delay occurred due to the fault of the service, then he needs to undergo a so-called notarial inspection of the site - provide confirmation from a notary that the site did not work, Andreev says, a similar procedure in Moscow costs about 30,000 rubles. In some cases, in addition to penalties, you will also have to pay a fine, Tatyana Stepanenko, deputy head of tax consulting at Roedl & Partner, previously said, if a person’s actions prevent the Federal Tax Service from correctly calculating the amount of tax.

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